The creature

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Hey, guys! I decided to finally upload this short story I wrote a few weeks ago. I may write more stories, but it all depends on when I have wifi ;o;

I'm also working on a novel, the first chapter should be published sometime in the next couple of weeks ^.^

So, now that that's out of the way, enjoy~ ((Feedback would be amazing, so comment. Please and thanks))





He whimpered, the winter air hitting him with full force. A late night walk had seemed like a good idea only minutes ago, but now he regretted setting foot out the door.

"Why did I even bother?" he mumbled to himself. The world around him was an array of silver and white, a thick blanket of snow covering the dead, brown grass.

The moon quivered behind the vast darkness of the sky, there were no stars that night.

The dim street lights barely illuminated the pavement, causing the man to feel almost blind; though he could still make out the shadowy figure walking towards him.

"Hello? Who's there?" he asked into the foreboding streets. He was alone with the shadow, everyone already fast asleep.

"Hello? Show yourself!!" the man shouted, finally losing his temper.

"Answer me!" He shouted again. He received no answer.

He sighed. Snow had begun to fall again, his light coat not enough to keep him warm, so he decided it best to head home.

As he turned around and began walking toward his small apartment, the shadow spoke.

"What is it that you are truly seeking?" it questioned, its voice raspy and deep.

The man was taken aback, he hadn't expected the thing to speak.

"I don't- I don't really know what I want." the man said truthfully, his heart in his throat, and fear distorting his words.

The shadow took several tentative steps towards the man, the sound of claws hitting cement growing louder as the creature came closer. It halted, a filthy hood shielding it's face from the flickering light.

It looked up, it's eyes connecting with the man, paralyzingly him.

Its face was grotesque, to say the least. It had no eyes, only empty sockets leaking some sort of black sludge. Its mouth was twisted into a menacing grin, its sharp teeth protruding from its bloodied lips. Its nose seemed to have melted off, having only left two small, dark holes.

Its skin was cracked and blotchy, in certain areas nothing remained but bone and exposed veins. Blood gushed out of the purple tubes with every breath it took, the liquid dripping onto the paved walkway.

"What ARE you?!" The man asked, cautiously taking steps back until he pressed against a wall.

"I am the product of your worst nightmares." the decaying beast cackled, the sound ringing in the mans ears.

"Leave me alone, please!" the man pleaded, tears brimming in his dark blue eyes.

His life flashed before him. His darkest memories, the ones he didn't want to remember. The lies he told, the regret, the pain, the fear. It flowed into his mind, creating a concentrated mass of darkness, consuming all in its wake.

The creature laughed deeply.

"Now why would I do that?" it asked, its grin widening greatly.

It stepped closer to the man, and reached a clawed hand towards him.

The man fought the urge to cry out, to scream. He had nothing to go home to, anyways...

"Just do it." he whispered, the darkness swallowing him whole.

The creature plunged its claws deep into the mans chest.

Sharp breaths and pounding heart. Blood bubbled out of his gaping mouth, the pain almost too much to bare.

Maroon liquid spilled out of the wound as he slid to his knees, back against the wall.

He smiled at the creature, silently thanking him.


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