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By: Victoria Villarreal
To the Reader...   
You might not know who I am, but it wouldn't affect the story. It wouldn't matter if you've never meet me in person or known me all my life. This story isn't like my life. It's quite the opposite. This is about me, but also the people included in this story. They might not understand, but they don't have to. No one does. I'm only a young woman with a story in her head. They are the people who mean more to me than anyone. I couldn't think of any other way to explain my thoughts than typing them here. To tell them to you.
    What you will read is based on true experiences, but also only imagination. I won't tell you what to believe in. You can believe all you want. There's no true way of saying what is true, or what is false. I, honestly, can't believe any of these unbelievable stories which I made myself. They might not be real. They might be only in my head. They might not exist, but they do to me. They always do. If you are wondering who I'm talking about, wait. Wait and see. I waited for them. They'll wait for you.
    I like to mention this could have never happened for the six people I will write to you about. I know they might not ever know me. I'll always be one of their many fans. What I type in these pages is all truth. What I say. What I do. Is what I'd do. What I say or do for them might not be something to take my word from. They could have done things entirely different.
    I have nothing else to say which can change or prepare you for what lies ahead in this story. There is darkness like the ink on this paper. Secrets which should be left in the dark. Nothing can hide forever. Not even them. Not even me. All I want to say is thank you.
    And I'm sorry.
    This story is dedicated the following YouTubers:
Jaiden Animations
Daniel Howell
    Without you all, this would never be.

Chapter 1
    A young girl looks at you blankly. She couldn't remember how she got here or why. She couldn't remember anything really. She didn't recognize the unfamiliar faces of doctors and nurses as they treated her wounds. She didn't remember the wounds or how she got them in the first place. She couldn't even feel the pain. She couldn't feel anything to mention it. She looked at the florescent lights of the ceiling. "Victoria?", she turned her head to see the man who spoke, "Do you know where you are?" She didn't know anything. Not even her name as it seems. "No", he smiled at her somewhat sympathetically. "It's okay. I'm Doctor Robert Jefferson", she began to black out, "I work here for the M.I." She quickens her breath as she heard her heart beat faster. "We are here to help you-"
    She sits on a testing table. She recalled the first day at the Mutipersonal Institution. All the test she had taken. The questions which puzzled her. She asked questions herself, but none were answered. Why was she here? Why couldn't she remember her past? Her memories? She grunted as the ringing in her head rang loudly in her skull. No. She noticed the nurses looking at her worriedly. She gasped as her eyes glowed white. Please. She screamed as chaos occurred around her. She heard the panicked nurses flee out of the room. Away from her.
    She didn't understand why this happened. She had these abilities. These powers she couldn't control. She'd hear voices and visions of what may or have occurred to the future she knows or her mysterious past. She could see through the thoughts of others. To see their darkest secrets. She could analyze problems and had remarkable academic levels in all her school teachings. She could do things which some people might say is impossible. Out of all the activities she finds herself in, she finds writing a specific story of hers, special. The Doctor finds it more interesting than any other. He tells her constantly to write down anything which comes to mind. Which would mean her "episodes". Her ideas. Her dreams.
    "Tori, we would like you to meet someone", she sat in her "room" after recovering from her latest episode. She looked at him as a young girl her age stood beside him. Suddenly, like a tidal wave washes over the shore, she remembered. She knew another story. Her story. As if she realized, the girl too looked at her with awe. She knew exactly who she is. She was herself. "This is Mia Sanchez", he smiles as Mia waves at her, "She will be with us for some time."
    Jaiden walked one of the many halls which maze the building of the M.I. "She has been a patient with us for three years now, and we would like to reward her hard work by surprising her with your visit", the doctor walked beside her as he told and showed her the main floor of the three-story building where they care for all the patients in the institute. "It's nice to meet some fans and for you to allow us to see them", she has been told her assigned girl is shy and not quite good with meeting new people. Well, it made the two of them. "What is her condition?" She has heard she suffered from drastic headaches and episodes. "She is completely harmless, but can lose control of herself at times", he said this as though it was completely normal. Like it constantly happens to her. "Here we are", he guides her inside another room with screens and monitors, "this is where we supervise our patients after testing." He walked to a nearby table and pressed one of the millions of buttons, "Tori you have a guest here to see you. Can she come in?" The girl looked at the window as if not seeing anything. She seems worried. Afraid. She nodded. "Right this way", she followed the narrow path to the door inside the other room. She walked in. The girl looked at her for a moment. "Hi...I'm Jaiden", then she smiled. It took another moment until she recognized who she was because she never really seen her face. She likes to keep it that way. "Hey", she finger guns her as she seemed less worried about the moment before. She liked her instantly.
    After some awkward silence, she asked her if she could make an animation of them two. They talked about both their interest and hobbies with one drawing and the other writing. "What stories have you written?" "I have made several books and some sort stories." She pointed over to the books in the selves. She saw rows and stacks of them. "I can't even make some scripts for my videos!" She blushed. She smiled to herself. She always wondered what was on the other screen and how her fans felt about her. Tori wasn't much different from her. Not different at all. She showed her and summarized most of her stories. "'Tori Sky', it's a nice name." "Thank you", she tranced her name in deep thought. "Is Tori short for Victoria?", she tensed at the sound of the name. "...Yes, it is", she felt like she pushed some invisible wall which separate them two.
    She gathered all her equipment as she asked if she would like to see the animated version of their conversation. Tori smiled, "I would like to see it, would have to see if you can." "Why?", it was a simple question for a simple answer, but the answer she gave was daunt. "...People can't know I exist." Then she realized where she was. Who Tori was, "...Oh." They stayed there for what seemed like a whole life time. "Well...I'm glad I'm one of the people who does", she smiled at her. Tori finger guns her. She stopped. "Come here", she opens her arms awkwardly. She hugged her slowly. Something stirred inside her.
    No, not now. She felt it coming before she knew her eyes were glowing. Not here with her, "Tori?" She looked at her. Please, "Are you okay?" She doubled over in pain, "No." She heard the ringing as she felt her eyes on her. She screamed as she began to see the visions, "Stop!" The guards came. They always do, "What's going on?" The guards took her away. Take her far, far away. From her. From here. "Tori?!", she looked at her. No... She screamed as the guards shocked her with their tasers. She watched as her own world went black into darkness.
    James stood waiting for her. She came soon after, "Hey, how was it?" She shook her head, "What is it?" She shuddered. "It's...nothing", he knew it was something, but he didn't ask anything more. "...How was Winter?", she changed the subject. "She was very...enthusiastic", there wasn't really any other word which could describe her. a regular matter. "Everyone is here now. You can come in." They followed the doctor in yet another room. "Hello James and Jaiden", Joseph smiled his constant smiles. "Hey everyone", they each said their hellos and talked about their assigned persons. "I had Mia", Joseph acclaimed, "She made this for me." He handed Jaiden a graphic novel which read the word "Stampy" on the cover. "Wow", she handed the book to James as he looked briefly at the pages. "We had Mary Ann", Phil spoke. "Why did she have both of you?", James handed Joseph back his gift. "Why wouldn't she?", Dan said reluctantly, "We always go as a pair." Mark shifted in his seat, "I had Vicky." He smiled to himself, "She designed a game for me." He told how she made her own version of Five Nights at Freddy's based on her and her friends. I turned out, their assigned patients were the closest of friends.
    "The girls are ready to present to you all", the doctor had told them before how they wanted to perform a small act for them six. They all sat as the lights dimmed into black. Silence. Suddenly, a light appeared on a girl latched on a chair. They all said the girls' name unanimously. They looked at each other. "If you are wondering who this is, you all answered correctly", the intercom buzzed overhead. "What?", they looked at each other confusingly. "Tori, Mia, Mary Ann, Vicky and Winter is all inside this girl before you", monitors showed each of them where they first meet her. They were all the same girl. "That's not possible", Marl shook his head, "We all meet her at similar times." "She isn't what you all thought she was", she looked at them pleadingly, "She didn't tell you the whole truth." The intercom came off as a song started to play.
    "'We would love you to join us for a bite. Join us for a bite. We would love you to join us for a bite. Join us for a bite'", she gasped as pain enveloped her. "Wait", she felt them inside her trying to get out, "Stop!" She grunted at the song played to the part. She screamed. "Can't wait to meet you! Some come on join the animatronic family!" she watched in horror as Vicky walked out of her as one of the animatronics in her game. "We open real soon! Try your best to hold to sanity!", then Winter. "Come get to know me! You won't wanna leave after tonight!", then Mary Ann. "Down here we're lonely! Some come on and join us for a bite!", and finally, Mia. They sang the rest of the song without a choice. It was torture to not have no control over your own self. She looked at the others. They looked at us as though we were monster in their nightmares. They weren't theirs. They were hers. Her own creations.
    Mark has seen many things in his lifetime as a gamer, but nothing could've prepare him for this. He watched Vicky. Only Vicky. She showed this to him, but in a game. This could only be a game. "She...this is what she told me", they didn't tear their eyes from the girls. No one could. He didn't understand. No one could. He couldn't believe it. No one could.
    "We're we fell down, deep underground. What have I done? To deserve this damnation. Who knows if you're the one to blame. Cause we don't even know your name, but you're here now and we have temptations-", they jump scared them one by one. Complete darkness. Silence. The light shone on Tori. "We're only playing. Just wanted to make a few new friends", she looks at them, "You plan on staying? When you're with us, the party never ends." The others appeared behind her, "You might look at me and think-". "You're going crazy!" "I lasted longer go your not little baby!", she breaks free, "Can't wait to meet you! So, come join our animatronic family!" "We open real soon!" "Try your best to hold onto sanity!" "Come get to know me! You won't wanna leave after tonight!" "Down here we're lonely!" All of them, "We would love you to join us for a bite! Join us for a bite! We would love you to join us for a bite! Join us for a bite!", the song finished as they waved their hands as their face plates open. The song ended. Silence.
    "Wonder performance girls!", he clapped his hands. They transformed back into themselves. There was five of the same girl. "Time for our tests runs", all the lights turn on, "There's no hiding what you are now. Mia, step forward." One of the girls stepped forward while glancing at the others, "Project Princess, named Mia Sanchez, she comes from the "D" dimension." Her eyes glowed blue as she smiled. She twirled as blue light circled around her as she transformed into a dress and her hair changed. She stopped when she spotted Joseph staring at her. "...So, you were a princess all along", he laughed nervously. She looked down shamefully, "Thank you Mia, you can join your group now." She turned away and walked back. One them touched her shoulder, but she brushed it off and walked past them.
"Mary Ann, it's your turn", another stepped forward. Her eyes glowed purple as she cried. Her hair grew longer as she changed into a ballgown. Her appearance changed. She had deep blue eyes and a colored nose. "Project Girl, named Mary Ann, has an unknown history. She can manipulate anyone in her sight with their emotions", she walked to the window. Tears streaked her face as she touched the glass, "Please." Dan and Phil went to her and touched the glass. Their eyes glowed purple as they started to cry. She stopped, "I'm sorry." She backed away as she went to one of the girls in tears.
"Perfect timing, Vicky", the girl holding Mary Ann scowls. She walks toward them as her eyes glowed green. She screamed in rage as she began to transform. She grew fangs and horns. Her eyes went snakelike green. She hissed as her snake tongue slithered. "Project Monster, named Vicky Night, she came her from one of the dimensions in the Multiverse. She can manipulate anyone she sees by their pain." Her eyes darken as Mark grunted in pain. "Mark!", he screamed as darkness creeped on him. "Vicky that's enough", she screamed as her shock collar send her to her knees. She stops as Mark gasped with relief. He stands and looks at her. She looks and walks away.
"Winter", the girl laughed as she skipped to the window. Her eyes glowed orange as her hair frizzed with electricity. She smiled as she transformed into pajamas. "Project Psychopath, named Winter Springs, came from Multiverse. She can take any source of energy as a life source." She laughed as she looked at James, "And wear your seatbelt." She screamed as she touched her shock collar. The lights flicker as her eyes glowed bright. "What is she doing?!", James screamed over her. "She's draining the power", Jaiden spoke as the lights go off. Alarms and flashing red light went off as the girls vanished. "What do we do?", Joseph stood and peered through the window. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting out of here", Mark lead the way as they followed him.
"Freeze!", guards blocked their ways. They had guns. "Whoa, hey!", Mark held his hands up, "Let's not be hasty." "Where's the girls?", they went silent when they heard laughter. "Winter?", they looked around slowly. The ceiling cracked. It collapsed, "Hello!" Winter and the girls circled around them. "Don't move!" They didn't. Mia lifted her hands. "I need you to-" "I know, I know" Mia smiled, "Freeze." Ice blasted from her hands and the guard went frozen in place. Vicky screamed as waves of pain send the other guards to their knees. Some fired but Mary Ann blocked the others with a force field. "Let's go!", Tori ran as the others followed. The YouTubers stood motionless. "...I think we should follow them", they ran toward them.
More guards came. The girls fought side by side with their abilities to stop them from capturing them. They made it outside the building. "Girls, you don't want to do this", the doctor spoke through the speakers which hung on the walls. Rows of guards barricade their only exit yet again. Tori looked at Winter, "Go say hello." Winter smiled as she walked toward the guards. They walked toward her. "What is she doing?", James asked Tori. She didn't answer. Winter began to sing, "My name is Pinkie Pie- Hello! -, and I am here to say- How ya doing?", the guards circled around her, "I'm gonna find my friends, and I will brighten up their day", they aimed their guns at her. "It doesn't matter now – What's up? -, if you are sad or blue – Howdy! – Cause cheering up my friends is what Pinkie's here to do." She laughed as she killed a guard, "Cause I'd like to see you smile, smile, smile! Yes, I do. It makes me happy when you smile, smile, smile! Yes, it does. Cause all I need is a smile, smile, smile! From these happy friends of mine. Happy friends of mine, happy friends of mine!" She smiles as she slaughters the guards one by one.
    Blood splattered the concrete floor as Winter killed all the guards. The others paled. The girls looked away. Vicky turned Mary Ann away from the massacre. Tori held Mia's hand as they closed their eyes. Winter noticed them not watching. She frowned. A guard hit her with the butt of his gun. Silence. "...It's true some days are dark and lonely, and maybe you feel sad. But Pinkie will be there to show you it isn't that bad", she smiles, "There's one thing that makes me happy, and makes my whole world worthwhile!" Her eyes glowed orange, "And that's getting my friends to smile! Smile!" The girls' eyes glowed orange and they smiled, "I really am so happy! Your smile fills me with glee! I give a smile, and get a smile! That's so special to me." She sings the chorus as she floats with energy and orange sparks. She flashes through the rows of more guards as they die from her touch. She stops.
    "Come everyone pony smile, smile, smile! Fill my heart with sunshine, sunshine! All I really need is a smile, smile, smile! From these happy friends of mine!", she repeated the line of the verse as more guards shock her with bullets of electricity. She laughed. The girls smiled, "Smile! Smile! Smile! Smile!" Mark, Joseph, Dan and Phil laughed uncontrollably as their eyes glowed orange. Jaiden's mouth twitched to a smile. James looked at Winter as tears fell down her smiling face, "Come on and smile!" "Come and smile!" "Come on and smile!" "Come on and smile." He smiled. The girls screamed. The world went white.
    The six YouTubers and girls stood at the battlefield. A crater stood in front of them with Winter in the middle. She was smiling. Tori and the others went to her as they walked out of the place. Silence. They followed them. "Girls!", they looked to see a woman waiting by the exit of the whole facility. "Nurse!", Tori embraced a hug from her, "Do you have everything?" She smiled, "Everything, but you five." She looked at each of them. She noticed the others. The girls turned and looked at them. Silence. They hear faint commotion coming from the building. "We need to leave", Tori looked at the others as they nodded. They each came together as they combined into one person. They were Victoria again. She and the nurse head off to a car. The nurse hands her the keys, "Remember what I taught you, and don't forget I will find you again one day." She hands her a backpack fully packed. She hugged her, "I'll never forget you." The nurse smiled sadly, "You'll always be my little Victoria." She nods as she climbs in the car and drives away. And just like that she was gone.
    The nurse looked at the rest of them, "You need to leave." She takes out a gun from the holster they didn't notice before, "They'll come for all of us." They looked at each other. "...What about Mi-...Victoria?", Joseph looked where the car drove off. She loads the gun, "She can handle herself. It's you six which I'm worried about." She aims at them. She shoots. A guard falls down dead. "Go, I'll give you some cover", she shoots as more guards run towards them. They didn't hesitate. "Come on", Joseph went with Mark. Phil with Dan. Jaiden with James. "We have to get out of here-", a bullet hit their car window as he turned on the engine. They all drove out as more bullet dented their vehicles. They made it out. They looked back at the M.I. and wondered what truly happened back there.
    For the past hours, they called each other. Mark cussed the whole time with a little from Dan. "What the hell?! They just started shooting at us like we were criminals!", Mark shook his head in disbelief. "Guys! You might want to listen to this!", Dan turned the volume on his radio. "...Six famous YouTubers have been seen in an act of kidnapping to a young girl in Texas. Reasons of this is unknown and will be followed on for the coming days. It isn't every day that we find these people as the new America's most wanted." Silence. "Great, just great!", Mark screamed, "How did we get into this?!" No one could know the answer to this. "Oh, my God...", they stopped on the road. A ditch laid on their right were a car crashed. Silence.
    Mark open and slammed his door as he walked toward the car. "Mark, what are you doing?", the others walked out. He walks down the deep slope. Jaiden don't look long hoping not to see a body of a dead girl. Or girls. "Do you see anything?!", they all jumped as Phil yelled it. Mark look at them and shook his head, "I don't see her." He looked to the woods on his left. There weren't much trees in Texas, but they could hide something beyond the trees. Even a person. He walked into them. Dan looked at Phil as he followed. Phil came along with him. After a moment, Joseph went. James stood by Jaiden's side, "Do you wanna see?" She didn't at first. She knew there could be anything which could've happen to her. She nodded slightly as they walked down the slope.
    Blood. There were lots of it. She gagged. "Are you sure about this", James didn't seem bothered by the trail which lead deeper into the trees. For what he saw earlier, no one could blame him. She walked on trying her best to not step into it. Once they caught up with the others, they knew something was wrong. There laid on the hard ground a bloodied body. It was dead. They stared at it in silence. "Don't. Move", they tensed, "Turn around slowly." They did and screamed. She scowls, "Shut up!" She was like what she was when they left, but now blood drench here clothing. "You- You're dead!", Dan mumbled. She rolled her eyes, "It's a fake. That's just an illusion." They watched as the body vanishes without a trance. They stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably, "Can you stop that?" They look away by looking down or the sky. Joseph stepped toward her, "...What happened back there?"
    Questions. They had them. She knew they would, but even she didn't know all the answers. Now she knew what the nurses felt like with her. Annoyed. She looked at each of them. She knew they were dying for them as she was once before. She sighed, "...I can't explain in a few words to make it clear to you all" Silence. Phil looked at her, "Can you try?" She closed her eyes and thought. They waited. "...It's better if I showed you", she opened her eyes to catch their reaction. She saw hints of fear, worry, but most of all wanting. "Just...", she sighed, "I want you to do nothing, but..." She lifted her hand, "Blink." She snapped as suddenly the girls appeared. Dead silence.
    Stare. Why do they stare? Mia stood close to Tori. Joseph tried the catch her eye, but she avoided eye contact. Dan and Phil each look at Mary Ann as she hid behind her hair. Vicky growled and stepped in front of her. Winter started to laugh. Tori sends her a look. She coughs, "Sorry." She smiles. Joseph spoke, "We need your help." Mia looked at him, "They think we took you from them and now we're all in danger." Vicky snarled, "Why should we help you?" "We aren't the ones who got us into this mess", Mark snapped. Vicky backed off. "What do we do?", James stood beside Jaiden as she waited. Tori looked at her. She knew they didn't know what would happen to them because of her. Because of them.
"We'll help you if you can help us", she looks at them, "We can make this all go away." She looks at Jaiden, "Including us." She knew they wanted to be here as much as she did. "What is it that you need help on?" She stands a little straighter, "We aren't the only projects of the M.I. We have some friends who need saving." "Saving?" She looked down at the floor, "We've been trapped there in that building for three years." She looks at them, "We just want to go home." They looked at the other girls who looked sad as she did. They wanted to go home. "...Where are your friends?", Jaiden was more surprised than anyone when she said the words. Tori looked at her, "They escaped one day at the other institution a few days ago. They're somewhere here in Texas." She looked at the others, "We need you guys as much as you need us." They looked at each other. They all nodded. Joseph walked to Mia, "We'll help you." She smiled at him.
    Vicky turned back where they came, "We should get going." They followed her out of the trees where their cars waited. "We're going to need something more...collective", Tori looked at Mia, "Think you can do it?" Mia cracked her neck and knuckles, "Do you have to ask?" She looks back to see Joseph looking at her. Tori touched her shoulder, "Go do your wonders." Mia's eyes glowed blue as the cars disassemble. She walked forward with her eyes on the passing parts as they connected to each other. A bus towered before her as she built it with her magic. Joseph smiled in awe and wonder. Everyone watched it also.
    Mary Ann glanced at Dan and Phil. They looked at her. Her eyes glowed purple as she shrieks. "Mary Ann don't-", everyone crumbled in pain as Tori held her head. Gasping she faced the others as their eyes glowed white. Winter went to Mary Ann and held the side of her head. She whispered softly, "Sleep." Mary Ann's eyes flicker orange as she falls asleep. Mia grunted as she held her arms weakly above her head. Vicky walked toward her slowly from the pain. She took Mia's hand and her eye's glowed green. Slowly they lowered the bus to the ground. Mia and the other girls collapsed. Heaving Tori stood. She rubbed her head, "We're fine if you're wondering." The girls join her side. "Is she okay?", Phil looked at Mary Ann who now was resting in Vicky's arms. "She'll be fine", Vicky looked at her, "She's just needs some rest." Mia held out her hand, "Keys?" They each gave her their keys. She looked at them, "Hmm..." "Mia?" She looked at Tori, "I'm out." Tori looked at Joseph. "Tori, I-" "I'm not asking you to", she shook her head, "I just want you to share." Mia looked at him. She walked up to him, "Hi." He smiled at her, "Hello." She held up the keys, "Can you help me with this?" He looked at the keys then her, "Okay." She motioned to his hands, "Open your hands palms up." He does as she places the keys in his hands. She places her hands-on top of them as she closed her eyes, "Close your eyes." He closes them shut.
    Can you hear me? He looks around a blank room. "Where am I?", he finds the place endless. You're in my mind silly. She laughed as she appeared beside him. "How do we get a key?" She smiled, "You have to make it." She took out her hand as a blue light appeared. She took his hand and handed it. You can do anything you set your mind to. He motioned his hand as a figure starts to form. He smiles.
    He opens his eyes to see a key in his hand. Mia smiling at him. "I call shot gun", she turned as they all form into Victoria. She hums as she walks inside. They watched her go until they noticed they were supposed to go with her. "You going to drive?", Mark walked beside Joseph. He looks were she walked in, "Yeah. I would like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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