Excuse me

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So this airi girl was staring at my man so I decided to say....
"Excuse me why you staring at my man like that get you your own nigga to stare at."
Ian even gone cap I was shook when she said that cuz it was out the blue but I was thinking like who this bitch think she is coming at me like that but I just keep calm
"Oh my bad I was just in my thoughts "
"Aye you good don't worry bout her she just being her by the way I'm tray nice to me you airi" Tray said
"Aye me and Ciara gotta go to work we will see you guys around I guess"
We exchanged numbers and headed to work. No one knows me and my sister strip we just keep it on the low cuz we don't want to be judged.
Airi and her sister just left and Alexis is giving me a mean look
"You good? Why you looking at me like that"
"Cuz why was you defending that hoe like am I not good enough for you or something"
"Yo Please don't start with that assuming shit I'm not in the mood we just met the girl and you already being rude"
"I'll be back later me and the boys bout to go somewhere love you"
We decided to go to the strip club cuz the my girl wanna act all Insecure.
When I got out there I saw some familiar faces and I was worried if they'd notice me hopefully not I had lots of make up on so yea.
I did my thing and I was done Ciara did hers already so we are just getting ready to go. We got home around 10:00 pm my mom was sleep so we just got ready for bed cuz we got school in the morning I was on my way to sleep until I got a text..

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I might post 1 or 2 more tonight
Should I ????

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