{ 31 }

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Trigger warning: violence, serious bullying, very mild mentions of smut

j.jk :

I smacked my alarm clock, yet again, as it woke me up from my comfortable slumber. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and looked at the clock on my phone, as the screen wasn't all shattered unlike the alarm clock's...

It was 6am in the morning and school doesn't start till 8:15am. I had plenty of time to get ready, as I slowly waddled to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

I undressed quickly and hopped behind the shower curtain. I turned the tap on and instantly got soaked with freezing water. I preferred cold showers in the mornings, I think they're refreshing, but this was way too cold. There is a happy medium, you know. Something that doesn't give you frostbite, but doesn't boil you to death either.

I rubbed shampoo on my hair and scalp, sooner or later the inevitable shower thoughts invaded my mind. I managed to shrug them off, which was surprising, and concentrate on other thoughts, when suddenly Taehyung popped into my mind. These past couple of days with him have been really eventful and I've learnt a lot about him. Stepping out of my comfort zone was something new, that I thought I wouldn't have done in a million years, but Taehyung managed to bring out the best in me. And look where it brought me! Now I have some sort of friends and a really sweet...kind...caring...loyal... amazing...gorgeous...funny... charismatic...talented... outstanding stepbrother...I may or may not like in a romantic way...

I stepped out of the shower after I deemed myself clean and started brushing my teeth in front of the fogged up mirror. My scars and cuts were healing pretty nicely, you could barely see them anymore. I spat the remaining foam out of my mouth and with moist feet I walked to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. I dressed myself into a oversized navy blue hoodie and some black jeans, I was feeling lazy and it was just one outfit for one day, nothing special.

I walked down to the kitchen, to prepare myself some cereal. When I noticed Taehyung doodling some cute characters into his small notebook. how early does this boy wakeup? I looked around the room to notice nobody else was there, it was just me and him. Our parents weren't being very good parents lately...I wonder where have they been staying and what have they been doing.

"What's up?", I asked as I sat down opposite to the artist in front of me. "What's down?", He asked me with a huge boxy smile as he laid his pencil down to rest on his 2D character, interest painting his features to further continue our conversation. "What?", I chuckled in slight confusion, but mostly amusement. Taehyung is weird. But his weird side made him unique! It's an aspect I love about him and would never trade for anything. It made him unique and interesting. "Sorry... it's early and I'm tired...", He mumbled with a soft chuckle. "Yesterday was fun, we should do it again soon.", Taehyung reminisced in the activities we did yesterday. "Yeah! Totally!", I agreed, as I had loads of fun too. "Awesome.", Taehyung smiled widely and picked his pen up to continue doodling.

Yesterday may have been one of the happiest days I've lived in awhile... After we talked for awhile by the fountain Taehyung brought me to eat waffles that weren't that bad, actually, they were pretty good compared to the dollar store ones my mom buys. After our snack we went "shopping" in a grocery store, to be honest we really didn't know what we wanted to buy, but we thought it'll be fun to mess around. While hoping we wouldn't get kicked out of the store. We got all sorts of snacks and then we went to a park near the shopping mall to have a picnic, it wasn't a fancy picnic though, not that it had to be, we just sat on a bench while chatting and eating. For the majority of our time hanging out we joked around and told each other random stories about unbelievable scenarios that have happened in our short lived lives. Although this may sound boring to you, I guarantee Taehyung's company would be more than enough to make it interesting. I guess when people say: "when you're with the right person at the right place and the right time, the most boring activities can turn into the most legendary adventures.", it's 100% true.

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