I was sitting at home waiting for Colin to get back from his modeling shoot he had for one of the movies he is playing in I was getting really hungry so I got up and went into the kitchen to find something to get but there was nothing on here to eat
I went to grab my phone from the table when I heard the door bust open to see a drunk Colin standing in the door way I ran up to him,Colin why are you drunk I asked him,and he just slapped me across the face and I fell to the floor in pain,OUCHHH I screamed in pain,I looked up at him and he stood the shocked
I started to move away from him because I was scared what he was going to do next and he saw me moving away from him,I was crying by know because how bad my face hurt,he looked me in the eye and walked over to me and I got up and ran upstairs and locked my self in the bathroom,(Y/N) Colin said from the other side of the door please let me in I'm so sorry I never meant to hurt you I don't know what came over me I'm truly sorry,I didn't know what to believe so I opened the door and saw he had red puffy eyes and tears streaming down his face he was
Truly sorry I pulled him into a tight hug it didn't want to let go of him seeing him like this broke my heart,he pulled away and smashed his lips into mine and pushed his tongue into my mouth without permission he picked me up and slammed me against the wall I toons off mine and his shirt and grind'ed his hips into mine at a slow pace it felt like heaven but i couldn't fall for it i tried to pulled way from him but he was way stronger than me he slipped his hand into my pants and rubbed me through my underwear I couldn't take it anymore I smashed my lips into his and kissed his roughly and passion and he did the same he took. Me to the bedroom and pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me
I flipped us over a kiss down his chest
In till I got to his boxers I pulled them Down and took him into my mouth and bobbed my head up and down at a medium pace in till I felt him twitch in my mouth I pulled away and he flipped us over and went down to my private part and said,your turn he pulled my panties down and starting licking anything he could get to and I felt a familiar knot forming in my stomach and I cummed all over his tongue.
I cleaned (Y/N) all up and got on top of her and slammed myself in to her and thruster in and out of her at a fast pace
Are moans and groans filling the room and she flipped us over
And started riding me in till we reached are highs and she fell on top of me.