Ain't Misbehavin | Chapter One

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Jess hovered her curser over the play button and bit the corner of her lip. The screen showed the message 'do you want to play season 7 : episode 11 doctor who.' Jess glanced at her phone and gave a low groan when she noticed the time, 4 am. She sighed and slammed down her laptop screen; leaving her room in a velvety darkness. Her eyes itched with tiredness, as she kicked her duvet into a more comfortable position.

Light seeped through the space between the two curtains, streaming onto the sleeping girls sleeping face. Filling the room with a sunny glow: piles of CDs and books were stacked around the walls; posters about musicals, and old 80's bands were pinned in very space; a vinyl player sat on the desk, along with sheets of sums and drawings; the bed was a pile of blankets and cushions, rising gently from the sleeping figure just visible under the duvet.

Then the alarm broke the morning stillness. The pile of cushions moved, then groaned finally a hand emerged and groped for the alarm, it's persistent screeching stopped and the hand flopped back onto the bed. Next second, the door burst open banging so violently off the wall, that a bunch of comic books fell of there shelf pooling over the already messy floor. A boy of about 4 years old bounced through the open doorway and leapt onto the bed, completely naked he started yelling and jumping on Jess's head.

"Wake up! Jesseeeee! C'mon, want to go swim!" He yelled, tugging the duvet away from Jess's feet. Finally Jess emerged her eyes half closed, her short hair supporting a wild, sticking up look.

"Fine," She mumbled, as she pulled her little step brother towards her. " But you need to get dressed and have breakfast, got it?"

"Yesssgotit," gushed little Benji, leaping off the bed; he paused at the door and wiggled his butt whilst giving her his most mischievous grin.

Jess laughed, and yelled after him, "Remember your trunks!" Then she pulled herself out of bed and opened her window, a cold breeze ruffled her hair even though the sun was breaking through the watery clouds. She shivered slightly, gazing down her street at the cars rushing past on the main road and a wind blown cyclist, steadily pedalling there way up the hill where her house was perched.

Sighing Jess, walked onto the landing and headed, towards the bathroom (which was of course locked) she tried her usual approach of hammering on the door, but to no avail. She shoved her ear against the lock and listened, 'Katie'. Her step mothers out of tune singing reached her. She closed her eyes in horror when she realised it was 'roar by Katy Perry' her step mother insisted in listening to the 'popular' music and once had tried to talk to Jess about it. Jess winced at the memory, Kate had bought her a CD by the singer Jessie J and had said giggling

"You two have the same name! I just love her songs'" She started swinging round the kitchen, garbling, " It's not about the moneeey, moneeey, no let's just make the woooorld dancee." Jess let the CD fall onto the kitchen table, and stood up, her chair scraping noisily back across the tiled floor.

"Sorry Kate, this really isn't my type of um music, if you can really call it that." Jess said, glancing towards the door.

"What do you mean Jessi? Type of music?" Kate had paused halfway through swinging her hips, her body at an odd angle.

"Well, y'know, I'm more of a jazz kind of fan, Bob Marley people like that." Jess said. But Kate just looked confused, Jess headed towards the door, her hand inching towards the handle.

Then Kate said, "What did you mean, if you can really call it that?" Her voice sounded grumpy and she flopped into Jess's empty chair

"It's not really music, just auto tuning and repeating the same word as many times as the chorus allows. Only idiots think that's mus-" But Jess stopped short, when she saw the look on Kate's face.

"Well, I love it!" She exclaimed, snatching up the CD she stuck it roughly into the stereo and hit play, a booming strong femine voice spurted out the speakers. "I will definitely tell Robbie, how spoilt you acted, that you didn't even bother to thank me. For your present." She shouted over the song, which was crashing into the chorus. I gaped at her, trying to ignore the warbling of the stereo, but finally cracked Jess walked over to it, and wrenched out the CD. She snapped it clean in half and chucked it in the rubbish followed by its case. She then turned and stormed out, smiling at the shocked expression on Kate's make up layered case.

Jess paid for it later, having to give Kate the £15 pounds the CD cost and she got banned from my laptop for a week, which was agony. This was a week ago, Kate and Jess are being polite to each other but not all together friendly.


Hope you liked the first chapter! Suppose this is where I ask you to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

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