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[Your P.O.V]

Arriving at the library, I opened the huge doors and closing it behind me carefully once I entered. It was pitch black. I could see, but I want to be able to see everything, not just the direction my eyes are looking towards, so I snapped my fingers, using some magic. The sconce around the room lit up with blue-ish purple flames.

I began walking around, looking for the book Shu told me about. "...a book like no other..." was what he said, but that wasn't enough information. I mean almost all the books here are old and look like "no other". Why couldn't he just tell me what book? It's as if he's afraid to tell me and for me to find out what's inside. Why though?

A walked between shelves and looked for the most suspicious looking books, though all of them looked suspicious. I took about ten of and sat down in a table near the windows. I sped read through them. About 2,000 books later, and 3 hours later, I found absolutely nothing.

I sighed, putting the 2,001st book down and leaning back on the chair. I rubbed my eyes in frustration and sleepiness. I stood up. 'Just one more book and I'll call it a night.'

I walked to the far back of the library. There was one book shelf I haven't taken a book from yet. It was really dusty and had some of the oldest books I've seen compared to the other ones in the library that I've read.

I looked at each book carefully, making sure to pick a book wisely. As I got to the end of the shelf, I noticed something strange. It was a book, no surprise about that. But the thing about it that makes it stand out to me, is that it had cloth covering instead of leather like the rest. And the text on the spine...it was in gold lettering, but it was in a completely different language, one that I've never seen or heard of before. And that's saying a lot considering I know how to speak all the 6,500 languages around the world.

I reached my hand out and tried to grab the book out from the shelf. But it wouldn't budge, like it was glued in there or something. I pulled harder this time, using some of my powers lightly, careful not to damage it in anyway.

Some finally came off the shelf, but the rest still wouldn't budge. Instead, the bookshelf opened slightly.

"What the actual..." I opened it a bit more just to fit me. I walked in. The bookshelf shut quite loudly behind me.

I opened my hand, creating fire to light up my way. There, below me, were hundreds of stairs, all leading down deeper down into the mansion. I cautiously walked down like one of those stupid idiots from horror movies that make you shout "YOU IDIOT, YOU KNOW YOU'LL DIE IF YOU GO DOWN THERE!!! BUT BE A STUPID BITCH ANYWAYS AND GO DOWN!! Cuz it's not like we can't tell what'll happen anyways."

At the bottom of the stairs, there was a steal door. It had a little rectangular slot, probably used to give food to the person behind the door. To the left of the door there was a hallway. I walked down the hall.

It lead to another steal door. I broke the metal lock and entered. There was a metal box near the door, for the power probably. I opened it and flipped some of the switches up, turning everything on (Get it? 😉😏...sorry, not sorry, I had to okay?).

The room lit up as well as the hallway with the light bulbs hanging from the ceiling.

I looked around the room. There was a big metal chair in the middle of the room with leather straps attached to the head, legs, and arms of the chair. Around the room were tables with syringes, flasks, tubes, all sorts of stuff on it. And in front of the chair, facing it, was a camera.

I frowned. 'What the hell.' I walked to the camera. As I took it of the tripod, it clicked on. I must've pressed something. The screen flashed with pictures for a quick second and suddenly turned off. 'I'll just hook it up to my laptop and see what happens.'

When I got back to my room, I locked my door and casted a spell on it so on one could come in, even with teleportation. I sat on my bed, my back against the headboard. I grabbed my laptop from the drawer in my nighstand.

I connected the camera to the computer and waited for a bit. But it was taking too long, and I'm not exactly a very patient person. So, I decided to go out onto the balcony attached to my room. I stood out there for a while, my elbows resting of the stone railings, I leaned forward a bit, enjoying the cool night breeze through my hair.

Then, after some time, I heard the sound of my laptop making a sound, indicating that it was downdownloading. I turned around and headed back inside, closing the glass doors behind me. I sat back down on the bed, my legs crossed. I began looking at the picutres first. The pictures were mostly liquid in varieties of colors in flasks, tubes, syringes, and some clipboards with data on it. But I didn't understand the information written in it, being in some sort of code.

Then I stumbled upon a video. It didn't look very...normal, not that I was expecting it to be considering I found it underneath the mansion.

The video had a scietist who talked about his latest experiment, his new founds, his observtions, and his results on some of the tests he undertook. He was in the basement, where I was in earlier. Then the scientist moved the camera. It focused on someone. A girl. She was strapped to the metal chair I saw earlier and she was passed out. She looked a bit familiar. Then the scientist began to talk about the girl. Then her name came out of his mouth. "Her name is [Y/N] [L/N]." My eyes widened. "That's me?" I whispered to myself. I looked so...different...like another person, I didn't look like the way I looked now.

Then a boy, young, maybe around 12-ish, and quite good looking for a kid, walked into the room. And he looked familiar to me too. It's like I've seen him before. Then it clicked. The boy was













{A/N: I'm really sorry for not being able to update for a really long time. I've been busy with school and jrotc, specially since I'm part of special teams, and projects and homework to do for my classes and tests to study for. I know it's not a good excuse, but I'm really, really sorry. Another reason why I have't been updating is because I lost a bit of inspiration and don't have ideas for this book right now. So, if you have any suggestions at all, any of you, any suggestions would be great, please, PLEASE dm me. I really need it right now. Again, sorry and thank you so much for all the support and love you all have given me, and I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting. 😭}

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