Chapter 1

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It was a dark and heavy day, and Zack was hanging, like a curtain draped over his bed in his boxer shorts, the fog hanging close to the earth like a wet, thick cloud. It was raining outside, and the rest of the ninja were off doing their own separate thing on the bounty. The soft hum and muffled exclamations of Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Kai playing a video game radiated through the bounty's walls as Zane quietly sang a tune, stirring savory-smelling soup. Nya was outside, standing in the rain, surrounded by her element. She had always loved to stand and let the rain drench her clothes, the wet cloth chilling her body deeply. The dark and pulsating bounty, lit by only a few dim lights, throbbed with life as Pixal switched on the heating system, rumbling with hissing air.

Zack pulled himself out of bed and pulled on a dirty t-shirt, pink. His color, the color of his gi, and he guessed it was the color that represented his element. Most of the time it felt his element was just for show, or not quite as strong as the rest of the ninja. Steam. He could create steam, and boil water, but not create it. Steam could suffocate, boiled water could burn- but in hand to hand- he had no idea what use a blast of hot evaporated water could even do against an armored enemy. Steam could be cooled, steam could be easily blocked and most of the time they weren't in a situation where the enemy was ... underwater. How could his lame-ass element do against a raw bolt of lightning? A vicious flame? Super strength? Compared to the rest of the ninja, he was lacking in a lot of ways.

"Dinnertime!" Zane's voice echoed through the bounty, then the sound of the ninja scrambling to get to the dining room first. Zack's train of thought quickly crashed. He pulled on a pair of suitable pants, not quite as dirty as his shirt, still pink. He turned the corner and down the stairs, and ended up the last to get a bowl. The soup was still very hot, and the broth was very thin and tasted of beef. There was noodles, and a few vegetables that Zack didn't recognise. Zane hung his apron on the wall, and sat down with the rest of the ninja.

They ate their dinner in almost complete silence, but it was a comfortable silence, accompanied by the pitter of rain against the deck and windows, and dinner was over quickly. Zack made his way back to his bedroom. It was very late at night, Zack guessed about 7:00 after they ate their food. It wasn't long before Zack was asleep.

Everyone always got up so early. Especially Cole, he rose early. Dark early. This drove Zack up a wall. It was a saturday, and he didn't have a lot to do, but everyone else insisted on getting up and ready for the day so early that he barely got any sleep. He sighed heavily, his chest rattling with exhaustion, and he coughed. He got dressed, a pink gi, his color, the color he felt closest to. Pink was just a watered down red, fiery, but still very very soft and he felt masculine wearing it, since he could pull it off so well. The gi had his insignia on it, two connected cherries, small, in the corner near the top of his chest. Cherries, his symbol, and his main preferred weapon. He was a bombs/projectiles expert, his main weapon being cherry steam bombs. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and walked out onto the deck of the bounty, the sun dull on the wet, chill wood of the main training area on the bounty. The air was crisp and moist, the feeling of the early spring cold freezing Zack deep in his spine. The rest of the ninja were already up sparring. Lloyd greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning sunshine!" Lloyd said, a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"Good morning, Lloyd.." Zack said, his voice still rusty from sleep.

Zack exhaled and a cloud of steam escaped his throat, and he slammed his fist into his open palm, and a giant puff of steam burst forth from his hands. He jogged in place, then ran straight into the fray, immediately forcing himself into the training battle between the ninja. He jumped around playfully, and threw down a cherry steam bomb as cover, and was immediately hit by a wave of water that stung, but it quickly evaporated when it touched his skin. He laughed and shook his head off, and hit Nya back with a few body hits, 3 out of 4 easily blocked by her. One his her square in the chest and she staggered back, before bouncing back with vigor and sweeping a wave of water under Zack's legs and making him hit the ground hard. By then, most of the steam had cleared and Nya extended a hand to help him up, a fond smile on her face.

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