Do You Remember When...

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"Great work on the last mission, everyone. There will be more to come, so just wait here at the ESA for further notice." Diana said.

"Yes ma'am!" we all said.

The Squadron Supreme walked out of the conference room, and dispersed around the Ezra Spy Agency.

Hey everyone! It's awesome to meet you guys again. If you forgot my name, it's Genevieve, but Gene for short. This is my life... my life as an international secret spy...

Nathan, Hunter, Maddie, Austin, Diana, and I walked in the lounge and slumped in the chairs.

"That mission sure was a rough one." Hunter said.

"I'm just glad we finished it." Austin said.

"And that we made it out of there alive." Maddie added.

"Mission Goliath was no joke. The name of the mission speaks for itself." Nathan said.

"That robot was definitely strong. It was actually stronger than I thought." Diana said.

"What matters is that we got the job done." I said.

They smiled and nodded. We sat in silence for a little while, enjoying each others company, until Nathan's voice broke the silence.

"Do you remember when I first started working here?" he asked.

"How can we forget? You were one of the best spies when you started working here at the ESA," Diana said sitting up.

"Aw, really?"

"Duh, of course you were! You were even on Diana's level!" Maddie said.

"He was?" I asked.

"Yeah. Your brother here was definitely something. He knew he couldn't work two jobs, especially if both jobs were to serve and protect Frelia, he had to retire from one of them, and we were thrilled when we heard that he retired from the military." Austin said.

"Do you remember when Nathan went on his first mission, with us?" Hunter asked.

"Oh yeah... Mission Prime. That had to be one of my favorite missions."

"Why? Because it was your first mission with us?"

They all laughed. I smiled sadly and sighed.

"Wow... sounds like you guys had a lot of fun together in past... wish I were there..." I said.

I leaned on the armrest of the chair and sighed. The five of them looked at each other and back at me. Then, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, and pulled me into a side hug. I looked up and saw it was Nathan, smiling at me.

"Don't look so down, sis. A smile suits you way better." Nathan said.

"Yeah. We had amazing memories with you, too, Genevieve." Hunter said.

"Absolutely! Two years ago, you single handedly took down Dr. Sun and Mr. Moon! No one, and I mean no one, not even Agent Grayson took down a whole organization on their own. You are the first agent at the ESA to take down an evil organization single handedly." Maddie said.

"Yeah. Do you remember when you pretended to be on Dr. Sun's side, and you took him down, due to his pridefulness? That was pretty awesome." Austin said.

"You are an amazing young woman, and a better spy. Why do you think I chose you to be one of us, Gene?" Diana asked.

I looked at them, and smiled.

"You're right. I know I haven't been here as long as you guys have, but two years feels like an eternity to me. I can't wait to make more memories with you guys." I said.

They all got up and walked over to me. They then gave me a giant hug. I smiled and sighed with content.

These guys are more than my best friends. They're my family...

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