Chapter 1

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Useless. Faggot. Nerd. Idiot. Slut. I've heard them all before and trust me, its nothing new. Sure, I've heard those names directed at me for awhile now, but that doesn't mean that I'm okay with it. Yes, it still hurts to be called those things but the only thing I could do was just continue moving on with life. Ignore the haters. Ignore the jerks. Block out the negativity. Yeah, that's easier said than done especially when you have a Dad that hates gays. Yeah he's a strong believer that females should like males and males should like females. Men aren't meant to be with other men.

That's what I've been told my whole life. A man dating another man was seen as a sin in his eyes. It was seen as something that shouldn't happen; something that wasn't normal at all. But answer this question for me; does normal really exist? To me it doesn't. Everyone is far from normal in this world right? There is no such thing as normal and there never was.

Around the age of ten, my Dad told me that the gods do not like gays. He told me that people who liked their own gender were sent to hell. Did I believe him? Yes, because thats what I was suppose to do around that age. We all believe what our parents tell us when we're young, but now that I'm older I've come to realize that what my dad told me as a child was nothing but a load of crap.

In fact, the gods do not care who you love. You won't be damned just for liking the your own gender. It amazes me that the minute someone sees something that isn't "normal" to them; they attack almost immediately. What is the deal with people sticking their noses into other peoples love life? It annoys me so much. Why can't people just accept it and move on?

All of these thoughts ran through my head as I sat at the table across from my Dad who was typing away on his laptop. Being a teacher was never easy for him. Always moving from one place to another became tiring and boring. Sure you get to see new places but you don't get to make friendships. You don't get to form close bonds with anyone.

"So...I heard we'll be moving again tomorrow," I mumbled quietly picking at my food.

"Yeah. We're going to Ohio this time," he replied not bothering to look up from his laptop.

I hummed in response as I tapped my spoon on the side of my plate, chewing on the inside of my cheek. Well there was no time like the present right? I might as well tell him. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself as I opened my mouth.

"Dad...uh...I don't like it here and I'm really glad we're moving."

"Why don't you like it here?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well people here would call me...names like faggot or slut...the usual."

His typing ceased as he looked up at me. "Excuse me? What?"


"Why are they calling you that? I know you're not gay right? You better not be."

"I' of course not Dad."

"Good because if you were I'd have to beat some sense into you. Remember what I told you? Women are meant for men and men are meant for women-"

"No in between," I finished looking down at my plate. "I know."

"Good," he nodded, "Get ready for bed we have an early day tomorrow."

Yeah and another day for me to hold on to my secret. The fact that I am gay doesn't help matters at all.


How was that? Really bad huh? Hey no one said writing an original story was easy. Still trying. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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