Chapter 14: Welcome back from La La Land

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After a long slumber, Rage finally awoke. He was ashamed by himself. He slept in times his friends needed help. Although he's quite thankful that he didn't get to see Bodil's death. Brice's death was much more to take.

The more he tried to take in all the happening that occured, the more he resent that creature. The gang is busy right now. Preparing for something they know that is about to come.

Seto had warned them that, Bodil and Brice's disappearance had meant something else. But Rage had a hard time figuring out what it is all about.

Although, Rage couldn't help himself to feel guilty. He had seen himself as a weakling. A person that passed out in the moment his friend needed help. But he also thank God that nothing badly happened to the other guys. Yet, he needed to speak with the creature. He hasn't spoken to it for a while, and yet it broke its promise. He need a secret place. Somewhere inside this safe room, no one, will know. That's why he started to look for it.

Seto's thoughts about the past that he'd foreseen, was still running inside his mind. He need to know something, why would his heart wanted to kill Preston, and why he was brought back there. When Seto sees Jerome alone and was patching himself up, he took this opportunity to talk to the guy.

"Uhm, Jerome? Can I have a word with you for a sec?" Seto said.

"Yeah sure!" Jerome replied.

Here Goes Seto thought

"Do you know someone, named Preston?"

Jerome's expression went dim, as if the word Preston was like a trauma for him. The guy started to make himself busy with something to avoid answering Seto's question. But he knew that Seto wasn't an idiot. The sorcerer was still standing in front of him. Jerome started to talk.

"Look, Seto, Preston might maybe a name, but trust me, this is the first time I've heard of it." Jerome said.

"It is a name." Seto was sure persistent.

"I told you, I don't know him!"

"Then how did you know he was a boy?"

"I did? Well, that is because of the name, it was a hunch."

"You're bluffing?"

"Dude, c'mon! Stop it! Like I said, I don't know him."

Jerome thought that Seto would still ask for more. But it seems that the guy just left him all alone, staring onto his back.

Seto was dissapointed though, how could he be in that manner? He was so persistent, he forgot to be polite.


Sky was keeping his guard up. Although this wasn't his first try in a horror environment, still, this place gave him chills.

"Where is the parkour?" Brandon asked.

"Probably somwhere else?" Mitch added.

"Shut it you two! Something's not right." Sky said.

"Like what?" Brandon asked, readjusting his glasses.

"I don't know, this place, is so creepy."

The moment the word "creepy" escaped Sky's mouth, the moment the whole floor started to shook. The gate closed on their own. Mitch, Brandon, and Sky all turning their back to see it was already shut.

"That couldn't be right?" Brandon said.

"We gotta get outta here!" Mitch added. He ran for the entrance but to his surprise, a shadow appeared in front of him. Mitch can clearly see its form. It had legs, arms, a head, a body. Although what concerns Mitch more, is how the shadow looked at him. With those cold eyes and wicked smile, all Mitch can do is watch in terror. Then the shadow raised its arms and pointed to Sky. It said.

"Traitor! "

Sky was shocked. But Mitch was more shocked to see how the shadow became Sky. It slowly transformed into Sky, literally. After uttering that word, the shadow was completely a whole new creature. Although Mitch can tell the difference between the real Sky and the fake one. The fake one has still his cold eyes, and wicked smile.

A moment passed. The fake Sky dashed to Mitch, giving him a few seconds to react. Mitch struggled to look for something to protect him. To his surprise, he was out of any options. The fake Sky is getting closer, and he has in no condition to protect himself. Mitch slowly closed his eyes, trying to accept his fate. Then he fell to the ground. When he slowly opened them, Sky was standing in front of him-shielding him- trying to push back the fake one. Sky had grabbed its arms and they were both struggling. Mitch slowly retreated from the scene. Brandon helped him get up.

"What do you want?" Sky asked.

However the creature only looked at him and smiled even more. But this time it has murderous intent. It is in it for a kill. And it want Mitch. The creature rapidly dissolves into ink, leaving stains on Sky's hands. The ink travelled in front of Mitch then transforms back again into fake Sky.

"NO!" Sky screamed. Then he throwed his trusty kitchen knife. It landed behind the fake Sky's head. It stopped its attempt to kill Mitch then slowly turned towards Sky.

Sky was shocked by its face. It was neither representing life or death. It has nothing. No emotions. Not at all. Sky wouldn't do that. He wouldn't show his face like that. But this creature will. Sky waited for the moment for it to attack. To his surprise, it only smiled. Then dissolved again. It was nowhere to be found soon after that. The knife however, was left on the floor. Sky picked it up. He then faced the other two who were caught up into a horrible state.

"It's okay, everything is fine." Sky announced with a sigh.

"Fine?" Mitch asked, "It's, fine?!! I was this close on being a dead meat and all you can think of is fine?"

"Sky, what kind of place is this?" Brandon asked while readjusting his glasses.

"I don't know! I thought this was just a parkour map, but..."

"But what?!" Mitch added.

"But I didn't expect that kind of threat! I was also texted about this goddamn place!" Sky answered.

"Then who texted you then?" Mitch asked with a glare.

"It came from an unknown number. That's all I know."

Mitch was disappointed about their current situation. The adventure they thought of was supposed to be fun, now, it turned to something horrible. Mitch tried again the front gate, but to his luck, not a single inch budge.

"I guess we're trapped." Mitch said.

"Let's go find the others, I'm sure they are around this blooded castle." Sky added.

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