Magical Powers?

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We waked up and went for bath one by one in their rooms and after that we came downstairs to have breakfast and we had some milkshake and fruits. But,after that the phone rang I picked up the phone it was Mom she was telling that the business trip has been extended and even the school vacation are too so, she will be coming after 1 month and school is after 3 months. After that I told to all of them boys and girls agreed to stay.
I was happy to be together but boys were in my Mom and Dad's room and the girls were in my room and after 2 days there was a phone call in all of us phone and the voice was same he told that after 1 hour you all will be in another world know as Euthopia and that our parents had been kidnapped and would be killed for trespassing their land. After the phone call :-

Rossy, :O what.....shooould weeee do now.
Zack, don't worry sissy.
Me, hmmmmm..., I think that we should not think about it because it can be fake.
Kate, no I think it's true because all of our phone was hacked at same time with same voice.
Zeus, yep she is correct so what should Iwe do now.
Jack, I think that we should all take a bag pack in which what ever we all need during our hard time.
Kate, yep I think we should take food, water, clothes, and some safety things like rope and all.
Me, ya nice idea so be ready for our challenge.

We all took the things which we need for our adventure.
Then only 5 mins was left for the 1 hour to be done and then we all catched our hands with each other and then we all suddenly in very different world and there was a gate and the gate was written with E.U.T.H.O.P.I.A then after that we saw at each other and our all dresses were change and we all got magical powers and on my head there was a crown with a star 🌟 but it was in a purple colour and I got know all of all magical powers itself and I also got to know that I am the princess of whole magical world and our parents are kidnapped because of which we all need to come let me tell :-

Kate - Honesty
Rossy - Love
Me - Magic (princess)
Jack - Spiritual
Zeus - Animals & Birds
Zack - Music & Nature

We all were happy with our magical power. But, after few time we got a notice upon me that our bad times are started so we all were tensed

We soon reached a totem, under which a transcription was written. Nobody could understand it because it was Written in dragon language. But suddenly a light went off when I placed my hand on it. My eyes started to glow and went back to normal in a second.

Kate,woah REALLY!
Rossy, what does it say?

"Who transcend upon this text shall not pass till a sacrifice is made"

Zack,who is the sacrifice?
Rossy, wait maybe it means a magical sacrifice.Everyone! Form a circle
Me, I don't want to sacrifice my new powers...
Kate,oh come on!

Everyone gathered in a circle around the totem.and started mumbling a chant that rose was saying. When they finished, a goddess like figure appeared out of the totem .

"Hello chosen ones, I may be known as Celeste, the goddess of water. You have been successful in understanding the true meaning behind this text"everyone winked at rossy as if thanking her ,who in reply got flustered "as a result, I may entrust you with the stones of power, who shall use these stones together may be viewed as the strongest entity in the world of euthopia"

All of them started glowing as accessories started appearing on them. At the same time a tattoo formed on their wrists

Kate- scarf
Zeus- amulet
Jack-bright red gloves

Me,yay! Now we're ready to save our parents.
Jack, heck yeah we are!
Kate,come on let's go!

We went back to our adventure, after fifteen minutes we found a dungeon like structure. We all decided to go in after debating for a while. In there we found a bunch of dragons Kate and rossy were really scared at the sight of them but then something strange happened.

A dragon came towards me and gestured me to pet it. I, slowly but surely, placed my hand on its neck and found a huge thorn stuck to it. I immediately took out the thorn. The dragon whimpered in pain but did not attack me. It thanked me .

"Thank you kind stranger,my name in hades" it said
Me,you can talk! Can I ride you?
Hades, it would be my pleasure

We all sat on its head and it immediately flew away. The feeling of the wind against you is a once in a lifetime thing. We all laughed in joy. Until, it changed to despair.

A huge structure was seen in a distance.we all went to the structure and inside we saw our parents laying on the floor with a gas surrounding them

Me, mom! Dad! Wake up! What r u guys doing here?!?

Everyone's reaction was the same as me except for Zack who didn't have any parents but couldn't help but feel bad for me.

"They won't be waking up soon, u see.. they're dead." Everyone's expression turned into sadness and at the same time anger towards this unknown figure. I recognised this familiar voice though,

Me, you're the one who called us!

"Nice to meet you. The name's Ivan. Glad that you recognise me. However, I'll be needing your powers now so bye! See you in heaven!"he then pulled out a lever and pushed it. As soon as he did that, a hole appeared underneath us and we fell down. I then realised that we had wings as a result of our powers. I told the boys and girls this and we started trying to fly. However, it was not working, we all started to lose hope as we fell down this never ending pit of despair. Jack started to fly and as if magic everyone started to fly like fairies

"You won't be getting away with this Ivan!" I screamed as I flew up from the hole, Ivan was surprised at our quick return.

Me, come on everybody! Use your stones.

Everyone started activating their stones, a beam of light appeared.

Ivan, don't tell me you have those stones, from where did you get the-

Ivan could not complete his sentence though as he was engulfed in The beam. A single tear was seen coming out of his eyes as he said his last words.

Kate, that was quick
Me, I know right!

That was when the reality of the situation hit us. Our parents were dead and we couldn't do anything about it. That was when hades started muttering something. When she stopped, she spoke these exact words that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

"I had fun with you guys although it was short, this is my last goodbye to you all. I'll always be in your heart."

She turned into dust.

Luna  LuceatWhere stories live. Discover now