Lost Episode - Martha Speaks Death PART 3

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Helen couldn't believe her eye. She didn't think if it was real so she speak to Martha.

Helen: "M-m-Martha is that really really you???!!!!!"

Martha Speaks: "Hi Helen, its nice to see you again"

-Helen crys for glee and gives Martha a family hug-

Helen: "Martha I'm so so sorry for leave you at home"

Martha Speaks: "Awww don't be and you know I'll always forgive you Helen, were a family and a family always forgive and love each other"

Helen: "Your right Martha, your always right"

Martha Speaks: "And I missed you helen your my best friend and don't cry helen"

-Martha licks Helen's tears to her cheeks-

-Helen giggle while Martha licks her tear-

Helen: "Martha *giggles* stop it, it tickles"

-Martha stops licking her cheeks-

Martha Speaks: "Well at least I stop you to cry"

Helen: "Ya that is true *giggles*"

-Helen gives a hug to Martha-

Martha Speaks: "Well I should go"

Helen: "What???? What do you mean Martha???????"

Martha Speaks: "Well I suppose to not tell"

Helen: "What tell me, please???"

Martha Speaks: "Well alright I have to go to the stars but I'll always be there if your in trouble because I'm your guardian angel"

-Helen was shocked when she said guardian angel -

Helen: "Wait wait wait what so your my..... guardian angel!!!!"

-Martha Speaks noodles-

Helen: "woohoo but wait why are you going to the stars"

Martha Speaks: "Well it's because I'm a guardian angel and a angels goes to the stars

Helen: "Ohhhh right"

Martha Speaks: "Mmhmm So I guess I got to go now, goodbye helen I see you real soon if you need me"

-Martha Speaks walks away-

Helen: "Martha wait!!!"

-Martha turns around-

-Helen gives a last hug, and Martha give her, her leash-

-Then When helen goes to her bed and she turns around one more time and then Martha was gone-

-And then when Helen went to her bed she had the leash that Martha give her-

Then she looks at the stars and whispers "Good Night Martha sweet dream"

So thats how it ended. And the ending credits rolled came and these a scary ending song which remind of a Dexter called 24 blood.

So I turned off my T.V and I said to myself "WHAT THE HELL, why would someone made this monster episode, this must be a joke". and so 1 hour later my mom came home and I told her what happened and she couldn't believe me so I showed her it because shows goes back to back. and than she believed me and so we called PBS. and they say "Im sorry but we don't have an episode like this before, but it you want an appointment then tell us". But I forgot the rest and that the only thing I remember and thats my story and if any sicko person does this again I'll just stop watching PBS KIDS EVER!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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