Chapter 2: Living Hell

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The heat pulsates throughout my body. Every step dragging me closer to the one place that makes my life living hell. In one harsh tug, I open the tall wooden door to my form room. Ophelia and Mirabella are sat in the front row, prim and proper like always. They have shiny blonde hair that is straightened perfectly, their cherry red lips are curved in sweet smiles, their uniforms tight fitting with no creases.

"Morning, Ludovica," Mirabella chirps out in her cheery high pitched voice. 

I shuffle towards them, positioning my body sideways to fit through the gap in the rows. I grab my chair, while pulling it back it squeaks horrendously throughout the room. Everyone turns their attention to me. I scrunch my face up in embarrassment. Slowly I fall into my seat.

"Morning to you too, Mirabella and also you Ophelia," I say in a huff. I lay my head against the cool desk, which brings little satisfaction to my body from the heat outside. I hear Ophelia and Mirabella giggling at my despair. I peak one eye open, both of their gorgeous blue eyes are peering at me. I mentally roll my eyes. 

"Why are you so glum today Ludo?" Ophelia says in a teasing manner, while twirling a piece of her golden hair.

I sigh to give myself some time to think of a response. What am I meant to say? I am doing wonderfully and living life without a care in the world; when really I am tired because I couldn't sleep last night due to the thoughts. They are always the same. Doubts. I over-analysis the day of what I did wrong then I spiral even more; thinking of the past month, then year, then years. 

I respond to Ophelia like I usually do. "Nothing, went to bed later than usual." That seems to be good enough. They continue with their conversation that I interrupted while walking into class; well... more like trampled into class like a fool. 

I am relieved that all attention is off of me, now I can disappear. Lifting my head up I pull my bag to my lap. I gather the materials needed for first class. On cue Mr Erikson strolls in. As always exactly 8:30, not a minute later or earlier. I physically roll my eyes, this time I can't keep it in. I can't help it, I am not a fan of this guy. How? How on God's green earth is he always on time for the past five years? I would sell my soul to the devil for him to turn up one day late looking like an absolute mess. I'm talking wet hair, shirt done wrong so that it's off by a button, baggy eyes, scruffy hair, not shaven, untied shoe lace (only one of the shoes; he's human not a car wreck), and to top it off toothpaste still around his mouth. Oh god, just image the beauty of that monstrosity. The evil laughter starts to rise out of me. Not joking. A few chuckles leave my lips. The hot and bangable shining twins stare at me as if I've lost my mind.

"Uhh, a joke just popped into my head," Mental high five Ludo, just play it cool. They slowly nod their head and continue with their conversation. I can already see that today is going to be a long day. I support my head on the palm of my hand and doze off into dreamland. My dreamland at school is of all the ways that I can imagine the school being set on fire and ultimately on how I can escape this hell hole of boredom and shitty people. 

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