Chapter One.

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The night was cool, and silverpelt was shining brightly. The air was damp and left dew on the leaves around Sandclan camp. Shadowfur kept her muscles tense, ready to spring into action at any moment. She was sitting her warrior vigil. Although she knew that no-cat would dare to enter Sandclan territory, she thought that anything could happen. Her black fur was ruffled instead of sleek, and her green eyes glowed, keeping a close eye on her surroundings. Her ears were pricked but her heartbeat was steady. But what would she do if she saw another cat? She wasn't allowed to speak during vigil. She took a deep breath, her fur relaxing.

A few moments later, a pair of yellow eyes suddenly appeared in the bushes. Shadowfur tensed and her heartbeat raced. She didn't want her vigil to go like this! The figure rose from the bushes, revealing muddy brown fur. Terraclaw? "Shadowpaw!" he whispered, his eyes relaxing. But Shadowfur was far from relaxed- her eyes blazed in anger and her fur bristled. She un-sheathed her claws, letting out a low growl. "It's Shadowfur now. Please leave!" she quietly hissed, moving closer to the tom. 

"Oh... you must be sat vigil. Congratulations. Anyway, I came to tell you something". Shadowfur tilted her head, sheathing her claws back in. What could he possibly want that was important? He snuck out of Fireclan camp to come see her? "Fireclan are coming her tomorrow to bring peace. However, our previous leader's mate disagreed with this. She is on the move to kill you" Terraclaw mewed quietly, urgence now in his eyes. Shadowfur yawned, rolling her eyes. "I'm not scared of a she-cat who doesn't like me. But I will let the clan know that Oakstar is visiting tomorrow. Thank you" Shadowfur meowed, licking his ear. "Now go". The tom dashed off into the bushes, heading back to his own clan. That was the only issue that happened that night, and Shadowfur finished her vigil in peace. But had Starclan accepted her? 

By morning, she was almost asleep. She felt warm fur on her back, and a smooth voice in her ear. "Bloodstar sent me to let you know you can rest in the Warriors Den" the voice mewed calmly. She turned to see a black tom with a white chest and paws. Darkpelt. "Thank you, Darkpelt" Shadowfur sighed, heaving her heavy bones to the Warriors Den. There wasn't that much room- most nests were taken. Rustheart was just waking up- yawning and stretching his muscles. "There's a nest here, Shadowfur" he mewed in delight when he noticed her, flicking his tail to the nest that was near his. She nodded, collapsing beside him in the moss. "I'm so tired..." she yawned, trying to keep her eyes open. Rustheart smiled, leaving the den for her to sleep. "Well, welcome to the Warriors Den". 

Warrior Cats: The New Clan Attacks. (Book Three).Where stories live. Discover now