Chapter 4

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After all the action that happened in the guild, the members of the guild didn't know how to react. Being angry or upset. However, there were some other ones that were actually confused. Because of what they heard was not something everyone else heard. Even so they didn't know what to do or what to say.


Some time passed but nothing was new, Erza had gone to a quest with Juvia, although Juvia didn't want to, she was forced. They had gone the day before, apparently Erza wanted to finish the job as soon as possible, weirdo. And that's the only reason why Natsu is still alive, Erza was not present when all that happened.

After a while, those with good hearing, heard something really far away. The shout was as if someone was in need of help. But the voice was much faster than one would think, it took only some more seconds till everyone could hear the voice. Everyone now knew who the voice belonged to, it was Natsu. Though they didn't see him they knew it was him behind the guild doors. It took some time for him to open the doors, but when he did, everyone froze. All that could be then was Natsu's heavy breathing.

" up..", Natsu was barely able to talk. Wendy, who was frozen like the others, didn't answer right away. She couldn't, she was shocked and afraid. She was like that for a while until Natsu shouted her name snapping her out of her shocked state. She ran up to the figure that Natsu was holding.

"What happened to her?! Lucy-san! Lucy-san can hear me?! Please answer!! Lucy-san!!", Wendy asked Nastu then looked at Lucy, hoping she would answer her but nothing, she didn't move a muscle nor did she open her eyes. Wendy then looked back at Natsu who was starting at Lucy. "Natsu-san please put her on the ground, I have to check her.", Natsu did what Wendy told him, and Wendy started healing her right away. However, Wendy couldn't feel anything from her, so she asked Natsu some questions, thinking that it might give her some information. "How did you find her? I mean was there any blood anywhere on her body when you found her?", Wendy asked Nastu without looking away from Lucy's body.

"When I found her she was on the ground. Blood? I only saw some little drops of blood on her lips. Nothing more.", Natsu answered quickly and with a low voice. After hearing the word 'lips', Wendy looked up at Natsu with wide eyes, she understood everything now. After all she is a healing mage.

" cant be....", it was clear now to Wendy, why she couldn't feel anything, why Lucy wouldn't wake up or move, but most importantly is that she couldn't feel her heartbeat at all. It had stopped. " can't leave us, you can't leave us Lucy-san. YOU CANNOT DIE ON US, LUCY-SAN!!!", Wendy's crying began, but she was the only one crying, they were all clueless why Wendy was crying.

"What are you t-talking about, Wendy? Why would Lu-chan leave us, huh? I don't understand.........why?", Levy couldn't hold herself anymore and asked the question all the others wanted to ask, yet no one did. Levy had already tears in her eyes, and if you just made eye contact with her, her tears would have fall.

Wendy was crying so much that she didn't hear her questions, she only answered when she felt two strong yet shaky arms barely shaking her out of her crying state, so she could a least tell what's going on. But all she could answer with was, "she....she dr......drank....poison", and that was the death of the blonde mage.

Ok I knew I am the worst writer in the world, but spare me. I have some really serious reasons, one of them is the death of my grandma, and I miss so much, I mean she was living with us. School, I wanted to have good marks, sorry. And last but seriously not least, I didn't have Wi-Fi. So yeah.

See ya next time minna


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