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After Christmas, Lizzie and Henry stayed in Storybrooke for New Years. Lizzie had been educated on the crazy family tree as far as it still mattered. Henry let her read the book and if she had questions, she could ask them directly to the people involved.

It was strange for the girl, but she quickly found out that with Henry, things were never boring. She also saw magic wasn't widely used around the place, only to make certain things a little easier, like lighting a fire in the fireplace.

Regina had sat down with the girl one morning and clarified that she of course couldn't tell all this to anyone outside of Storybrooke, which the young woman understood very well. "Not that anyone would believe me." She had said laughing which Regina figured was also true, but still she wanted it to be clear.

Emma had taken Regina with her on a special quest to find Ruby the perfect ring that would signify her being part of the family officially and the Queen had arranged all the legal paperwork to go with it.

It was now the last day of the year and there was a small gathering at the Swan-Mills residence with direct family and a few friends, not only for the new years...

"Ruby, with this ring, we make you our wife." Emma and Regina said together. Regina held Ruby's hand and Emma slowly slid the ring around her finger. The waitress smiled brightly and kissed both women softly.
"Thank you." She said and the Mayor smiled brightly while there was applause in the background.
"It might not be a real wedding, but it's legal." She said and held up the papers the woman had signed before that made it official, at least according to the law in Storybrooke.

"Congratulations!" Henry said and hugged his mothers and Ruby. "You guys officially made more of a mess of my family tree." He laughed and smirked. "Mom, ma and mom2." He laughed a little. Ruby shook her head.
"Dear god, don't start calling me mom too, it will get way too crazy." She said and Emma laughed.
"It was a joke, I promise." Henry said and looked at Lizzie who came closer as well.
"Congratulations." She said softly. She was still very new to this, but she could tell that for the women, this meant more than anything.
"Thank you dear~" Regina said and Granny and Zelena joined the group as well as Snow and David.
"Our ever growing family." Snow smiled brightly, wiping away a tear. "I'm really happy for you all." She took Regina's hands and smiled more. "You deserve to be happy."

Lizzie had found out pretty soon that Snow White was a very hopeful and happy person and even managed to make friends with her arch enemy, which she found quite commendable on both sides.

"It's nearly time." Zelena said excitedly and pointed at the clock.
"We should go outside." Regina said and squeezed both her wife's hands and they nodded.
"Lets grab our coats everyone!" Emma said and everyone got ready to go outside.

Henry used his phone to count down the last seconds to midnight as they were all outside.

"3...2...1... Happy New Year!" He yelled and everyone cheered with him.
"Happy New Year!!!"

Regina kissed Ruby and Emma before stepping forward and using her magic to light the sky with fireworks. Emma kissed Ruby gently, smiling before helping her wife with the fireworks display. Zelena joined as well. Henry had little Robyn on his shoulders so she was high up and could see it well.
"Look Henry! Pretty lights!" She pointed up at them and Henry chuckled.
"Sure is!" He said and looked at his girlfriend, taking her hand. She blushed in the faint light and looked up at the beautiful display of magic.
"Storybrooke sure is magical." She said softly and giggled.

A lot of things had happened since Regina and Emma had decided to invite Ruby to a threesome. They didn't expect this to be a permanent thing in the long run, but they were sure happy it turned out the way it did. Yes there were hardships, but it was also simply the most amazing experience.

"Love you two." Regina said as she raised her glass to the two women. Emma and Ruby smirked.
"Love you³."

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