The Girl with Pretty Eyes

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Point Place, Wisconsin

May 17th, 1976

8:47 p.m.

The Forman Twins' basement

Y/n sits on the Forman's couch as people from her parents party mingle around. She takes a sip of her mocktail and sighs feeling boredom creeping up. Bob Pinciotti sits beside her and smiles.

"Hiya, Y/n, you're not downstairs with the other kids?"

I force a smile,

"Apparently," I respond.

Kitty runs in to the living room yelling about hot pigs in a blanket and I notice Eric trying to sneak beers from dad.

I smile and creep out of sight to the kitchen as Bob leaves to grill dad about having a Japanese car.

I find the liquor cabinet and take a bobby pin from my hair. Reaching up on my tip toes I open the lock and grab a couple of shot bottles from the cabinet. I plop them in my pocket where my notebook and pencils rest and quickly close up the cabinet before someone sees me.

I head to the basement door in time to see mom hand Eric two more beers.

He bolts to the door and runs down the stairs, me just behind him.

Eric grins cheekily and produces the four beers from behind his back.

"Well way to go, Forman!" Hyde calls grinning.

I plop down between Hyde and Kelso on the couch.

"Oh, sorry, Y/n, I only grabbed four." Eric said guiltily.

"Aw that's ok, little Forman can share with me!" Hyde says putting an arm around me.

I roll my eyes and push his arm away,

"I've got better things than beer," I taunt as I pull out a mini Tequila bottle.

"How'd y ou get your hands on those!" Eric asks,

"I stole it from the liquor cabinet." I smile confidently.

Kelso nods and grins like an idiot,


I laugh and elbow him before tossing the tequila to Donna.

I pull out the other bottle, this one containing blueberry brandy and open it. I tilt my head back and take a swig of the burning alcohol.

"Wanna share?"Hyde asks, raising his eyebrows at me.

"No way! one sip from you and it'll be all gone!" I reply with a smirk.

I hand Eric the brandy and he takes a small swig and scrunches up his face and hands it back to me.

I grin and Hyde holds up his beer.

"To Forman one and Forman two!" he calls

Eric and I grin at each other as the others toast us.


"Wow, Marsha. A whole football to the face! Thats gotta hurt." Eric said in a girly voice.

"Ouch, my nose!" Donna called holding her nose dramatically

"Thats gonna be huge in the morning." he replies,

"Huger than my boobs?" Donna asks batting her eye lashes,

"Bigger than the left one," he says thoughtfully

I chuckle and Jackie starts complaining about being confused.

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