On the seventh day of christmas

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In great anticipation I make sure to get to the school in enough time to see what the secret admirer has left at my locker. I can't help but wonder if he told me who he is or if he gave me hint. I could barely sleep last night at just the thought of knowing who he is.

Once I park my car I race to my locker, slipping on a small slab of ice along the way but luckily the door caught me.The excitement building. I see paper on my locker. With the usual card, my name in green ink and in the back "on the seventh day of Christmas. I take the folded piece of paper off my locker door, carefully unfolding it, slowly. I expected his name to be written in his usual green ink and have the phrase you caught me or something. But I was wrong. Listed on the paper was 7 sentences, on the top of the page it was labeled 7 hints.

7 hints (since you asked)
1. I have English this semester
2. I'm quite, usually in the background
3.  I like to think I'm creative
4. I'm kinda into mysteries
5. You've met some of my family before
6. I think we have great CHEMISTRY
7. I like you

Helpful. I don't think this brings me any closer. But the last two really bring a blush to my cheeks.

"Hey." I hear mic say from behind my opened locker door. "You're here early."


"You wanted to see what the gift today was." She smirked.

"What! No! We both know when and where is unpredictable." I defend against her, sadly correct, accusation.

"You still wondered." She alighted. "Aspen I know you too well."

"Okay so I was excited to see what I might get." I smile. "We left that note and I wanted to know if he left a response."

"And.." she asks and I hand her the note he left with the seven hints on it. She takes a moment to look over it. "That's his idea of a hint?"

"Apparently. Any idea how to match it to a person?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." She sighs leaning against the locker across the hall. "You know what?" I look at her with curiosity. "Devin might be able to help, he's good at figuring things out."

"That's true. We have a supply again today so you can come sit back with us and we'll ask him. "

* * *

"Here" the kid that was called on the attendance replied to the teacher calling her name. "I guess you guys can get to work on your review booklet."

I turn around quickly and Micky moves her desk and chair over swiftly. Devin looks up at the both of us, obviously very confused as to what we wanted. "Yes?"

"Can you help us out?" I ask him.

"With the review package? I can I guess, I mean I'm sure...."

"No." Micky interrupts him. "Aspen got some hints as to who her mystery man is and we know you're good at figuring things out so.."

"We thought you might be able to help." I finish her explanation.

"I can try." He says. I hand him the note of 7 hints. He looks it over and smiles as he finishes. "He's not giving you much to go on." He says

"That's why we thought you might be able to help." Micky and I say at the same time.

"Okay...." he starts. "Either of you have English this semester?" He asks us.

"I do." Micky says knowing I don't I say nothing. Devin looks at me and I shake my head.

"Okay I have English too... so a good starting place would be take note of who's in your class. See if any have potential." He says.

"Alright I can do that." She says confidently. "Anything else?"

"Think of family of guys you've met?" He says.

"That's all you can get?" Micky asks.

"Listen, to me it sounds like this guy doesn't want you to know who he is. He likes being a secret. " he says. Not harshly but nicely.

"Ugh... this sucks." Micky groans "what's he gonna get out of this. Why would he want to stay a secret?"

I think back to day five's poem. "He doesn't want to ruin the relationship we have now. Must be someone I'm close to.... or have known for a while at least."

"I don't care if he wants to stay secret. I'm curious. I have English next. I'll do a little ... research and see what I can find."

"Stake out." I say out of nowhere.

"What?" Devin asks me

"Like get to the school really early and hide someplace, so he can't see us, then watch to see who leaves something." I explain.

"That's such a good idea. No way he can avoid that." Micky says fist bumping me.

"You two are seriously going to get up early just to find this guy?"

"That's the new plan yes." Micky says.

"You guys are ridiculous." He laughs continuing on his work.

"Want to join our adventure?" I ask him.

"That's alright, I like my beauty sleep. But thank you for the invitation." He smiles.

"Suit yourself." Micky says.

The three of us take the rest of class and work to finish our chemistry.

After school Micky came over to my place for a while before I had to go off to work.

"Get your yearbook from last year. I'll show you the guys from my English class. Or the ones I know the name or face of, there are some I don't know." She says laying down on my bed.

I give her my yearbook from the previous school year. She flips to the grade we were in last year and start to search the faces. While she looks I take the card and not from today and add it to my collection. "Anyone from your class you think it might be?"

"Honestly the only one smart enough is probably Derek, but he has a girlfriend."

I wonder. "Maybe that's why he wants so desperately to stay a secret."

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