chapter 1

15 1 2

(Kade Belongs to WolfDragon152)


Screams echoed loudly in his mind, then there was a loud honk, a crash and a sickening crunch of metal and bone. Then, he shot awake. Finding himself in a white room. A hospital room.

Kade looked around, IV's were stuck in his arm. A strange liquid coming through the tube. Next to him was a long rod that held a bag. Probably a blood bag. No one was in to room, it was quiet. Too quiet. He ripped don't the IV and stood up, but then he fell. Grabbing onto the bed to catch himself.

Finally, he was able to get up. Then shakily went to a mirror. He stared at his reflection, dumbfounded. He looked a lot older than what he was before. He was 3, now he's 16. How? How was this possible?? He stared at it longer, messy black hair that seemed a lot longer. Which it was. Cat like green eyes. He looked the same, just... Older. He saw scissors on the table and took them, cutting his hair short in a choppy mess.

It would have to do for now. He looked in draws and stuff for clothes, finding some that would probably fir. He changed into the white T-shirt, jeans, black jacket and Nike shoes. The Jacket was a bit big but Kade didn't care.

After that he set out to find someone. A nurse maybe. But what he saw shocked him more. It was dark, lights were broken, hanging off the ceiling. Only the wires kept it up, but it seemed even the slightest movement would send it tumbling to the ground. He saw bodies, so many bodies. It was sickening.

The bodies were grayish, with bloody wounds and their faces were rotting away. Limbs were gone, twisted and narled. It was awful. He was gonna be sick. Kade ran down the hall as fast as he could without falling. Dodging debre and bodies as he went.

Kade saw the exit doors and pushed them open, a alarm blared loudly. Kade panicked and ran, body after body littered the streets. On the ground was a bat, he grabbed it. Might as well protect himself. At least he knew how to swing, his dad taught him.

His dad... Wanna she alive? Was him mom alive? The baby? He hoped so. He wouldn't be able to stand them being dead, even if he hadn't gotten a chance to see the baby. He would find them, he wouldn't stop till he knew they were okay.

And with that thought he set out. With one goal. Find his family

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