(13) Aftermath

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"Marlow, You okay?" James asked Marlow as he helped him up. Mason and I joined them.
"We need to stop him." Marlow said.
"You want to talk to him about it agian? He seemed to really go for it first time." Weaver said.

"He is losing his grip." James said.
"Oh I bet, what are we gonna do now" I said
"We are gonna get of this island" weaver said.
"Alive preferably"
"Ya preferably alive, well for some maybe not"

James then got all of the other civilians together and we began to walked behind James as he lead us through the forest. Backtracking to the boat, but avoiding Death Valley.

"Follow me...We'll be off this rock alive." James shouted as he walked ahead.

We have been walking for over half an hour. We finally arrived at a vibrant lush green forestry. Meaning that we could be near some sort of water source.

James then stopped us and crouched down towards a root with mushrooms growing on it.
Everyone was exhausted and tired , Brooks was out of breathe a bit. I kept my guard out as I surveyed the area , keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

"There is a water close by." James said
"Are you lost?" Brooks huffed out
"Which way? Do we need to go" I asked.
"Hang on." James raised his hand to signal me to be quiet as he thinks.

As everyone stood still in silence , concentrating got any sounds. I could hear the slight rushing of water. But the surrounding us surrounding us as it echoed off trees. No way to tell which direction the water is. No way to tell where our boat to salvation could be.

A loud roar pierced the atmosphere around us. A roar that belongs to king echoes from far. Internally I was worried. Hoping that , that roar wasn't of pain from the plans Packard is planning.

James looked ahead of him, towards a rock face that could lead us to higher ground.

"Wait here. Gonna get to high ground to find the river." James said as he got up and began to walk in that direction. Before he could get to far I shrugged my backpack off and handed it to Mason. I ran towards him to catch up and join him.

"Hey! I'm coming too." I said as walked beside him. James only nodded knowing that I wasn't gonna take no for an answer.

"I'll be right here." Marlow called out behind us. The distinct sound of him cocking his gun. Just to be safe.

The terrain wasn't pleasant. I had to keep my eye on my footing when I was walking over larger rocks so I would slip and injure myself.

Ya that would be a bitch to handle.

As James and I walked , there was no silence when it came to the rushing water and birds constant chirping filling the void.

We came closer to the rock face. I looked up to see that it wasn't incredibly steep and we could rock climb up to get to the top.

"We gonna have to climb" I said as I wiped my hands on my pants to get rid of excess sweat. I then took a handful of dry sand that was near the base of the rock face and dusted my hands with the dry sand to act as a makeshift chalk for now. James nodded and did the same.

Grabbing onto the narrow edges we began to ascend to the top. We were fortunate to have gotten near the top without many slip ups. James was slightly ahead of me.

Damn you with your longer legs ,muscular arms and upper body strength.

We lost quite a bit of daylight during our trek and climb. The sun had already settled the the cricketing of the insects of the night could be heard. The moonlight illuminating out path. My palms had small scraps from the rough rocks and sharper smaller rocks.

Searching ~ Captain James Conrad ✔️Where stories live. Discover now