Chapter 1

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"Quiet, Belle," Sam whispered as he opened the bedroom window.

A warm summer breeze floated through the air and ruffled my long brown hair and nightdress.

Sam climbed through the window and then reached out his arms to pull me through. Sam set me down own the soft grass and I breathed in the fresh, summer air.

The sky was freckled with winking stars and the bright moon shone down on us. Sam grabbed my hand and led me to the woods. We followed a path that led to a small pond. This pond was where the true magic was.

Chinchou lit up their lanterns as they swam around the pond. A family of Ratata were playing chase on the shore. Two Teddiursa were splashing water at each other in the shallows while their mother, Ursuring, watched them.

I let go of Sam's hand and took off toward the lake, screaming with joy. I pulled my nightdress up to my knees as I waded into the water. The two Teddiursa came over and began to splash me, I splashed them back and soon we were in a full fledged water fight. I was already soaked by the time Sam had come over to join us.

Sam and I played with the Pokemon for a long time until Sam finally said we had to leave. I knew not to whine because if we were caught, we would never be able to come here again.

When we got back to the house, we climbed back through the window as quietly as possible, but it was to no point. When Sam opened my bedroom door so he could return to his room, he was greeted by our furious father.


"Do you two want to see your mother relapse into her condition. The doctors say she may not survive the next time."

I looked down at my feet the were wet and dirty from our adventure.

"I expect better from my children. Especially you Sam. You are supposed to be a role model for Belle. Instead your leading her on rule breaking adventures. You're twelve years old, son, and I expect you to start acting like it."

"I don't understand how us playing with Pokémon outside of the house away from mom hurts her."

"Sam, your mother has a phobia of Pokémon because of what happened to her father and she doesn't want the same to happen to either of us."

"But Pokémon aren't going to hurt us. You know that, Dad. If we could just show her..."

"No you don't know that. You think just because you have gone out into the woods a couple times that you know everything about Pokémon and the world. You're wrong, Pokémon can be very dangerous, Sam, what happened to your grandfather is proof."

I looked up at Sam who was looking out the window, away from Dad. Dad was looking at Sam trying to get him to understand, but Sam didn't understand.

"Sam, please, your mother gives so much for us, the least you can do is this one thing."

"Are you crazy, Dad, we're the one's giving up everything, our whole life for a stupid fear. Mom forces us to live every, stupid day in this house. Why do we always have to give up everything?"

I looked back down at my feet. I hated it when Sam yelled.

"Sam, I know it's hard and you don't understand, but you will someday. It's late, and Belle is tired. Let's go to bed."

Dad picked me up and carried me to my bed. He changed me into dry night clothes and tucked me in.

As I drifted off to sleep, I dreamt of the lake and all the Pokémon that played with us. I dreamt that Mom and Dad were there too and that they weren't afraid of Pokémon.


Well, that's my first chapter. I hope everyone enjoyed it.

Just a reminder that I do not own Pokémon, I only own the characters that I have created. Thank you.

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