Amanda Young x Fem!Reader

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(Y/n) is a bright spirited girl who always done well in school, found a great job, and overall did wonderful in life. You didn't think anything could ruin your perfect life that your parents had planned out, but you were flat out wrong. One day, you were walking around in the forest of your home town, taking photos and having a good time being by yourself.

But (y/n) had lost track of the time and went just a little to far into that forest you once thought was a peaceful place. Just as you turned around to try to head back, a mysterious person wacked you in the head with a heavy object, making you fall unconscious.

Once (y/n) woke up, you found herself at a campfire where strangers began to gather around you.

"She's awake..." A timid looking boy spoke.

A darker skinned girl with a beanie nodded before approaching (y/n) "Hello, I'm Claudette..." She greeted in a soft voice. Instinctively, you scooted back out of fear. Claudette frowned at your actions "We mean no harm to you," slowly, she smiled "What's your name?"

Hesitation was clear in your eyes as they darted from person to the next, and finally back to Claudette. You stayed silent for a moment before speaking "I'm (y/n)" you mumbled to Claudette who grinned.


You had finally grown acquainted enough with everyone around the campfire. You all were talking and laughing, until you heard a horrible screech fill the air. Everyone became silent before glancing around.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and worry "What was that?!" You asked, panicked. Claudette put her hand on your shoulder...

"The entity..." Was all she was able to mutter out before she, you, Kate, and Adam passed out...

You woke up once again found yourself in an unknown place. You groaned quietly in annoyance before studying the place you woke up in. It was strange to say the least, having pallets and generators scattered all over, were the others here too? You sighed and slowly approached a generator. Tilting your head, you slowly began to try to repair the thing, only to have it blow up right in your face.

You shielded yourself from the sparks that flew at you, wincing in pain. You backed away from the generator, hating it already. Your eyes widened when you were hit in the back. Screaming in pain from the stab, you booked it away from there, wondering who the hell attacked you. Glancing behind you, you saw another female, but in a pig mask?! What is going on here?!

As you were being chased by the lady who gave you an ominous feeling, you threw down any pallet you came across, hoping to get distance from her, but to no avail. Eventually, she caught up to you and hit you down.

You screamed once again and screwed your eyes shut, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. You were hoisted onto the female's shoulder and she began walking. A whimper escaped from you, which seemed to have made your attacker pause. Setting you down on the ground, the female crouched in front of you. You looked up at her, the tears finally falling.

She slowly lifted up her pig mask to reveal a pretty woman underneath "You're alright..." She mumbled. You were confused about this change of behavior... First she wanted to straight up murder you, but now... She's comforting you? Before you could even comprehend what was happening, you were pulled into a tight hug. You, still terrified, slowly hugged back, scared for your life.

"I won't hurt you anymore," The female whispered

Annnddddd donnneeeee!!)))

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