Laser tag and kisses

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Juras PoV

I was happy to be able to go with Toycat to get lunch, but now laser tag?!? This day gets way better! We only had to go down the street a little ways to get to the laser tag place. We went inside and saw some other people sitting on benches. They got excited when we walked in, probably because they had only need two more people. This was confirmed by the guy running the place. We all got on our vests and got the laser guns. And so we rushed into the arena. 

Toycats PoV 

Jura rushed off the right, and the other people we were with went to the left. I decided to go after Jura.  Jura was hiding behind some cylinder, and I sneaked up on him. "Boo"

He jumped and shot, missing me. I laughed and shot him. Good thing we each had three lives. He panicked and laughed as he realized it was me. I ducked behind a wall and motioned for him to come over to me. I realized how much I liked him again as he attempted a jump roll over to the wall, but instead just fell on his face. I held in a laugh and wobbled his way over to me anyway. My heart skipped a beat again as he laughed at his own fumble. I decided I should tell him how I feel. This would be an okay moment right? "Hey Jura.." 

At that moment he shot one of the other people.

"Jura I-"

"Yeah toycat?"

"I uh like you."

There was a moment of silence.

"I like you too.."

He looked at me and I stared back at him, just gazing into each others eyes.

I leaned down and kissed him and he kissed me back. We both dropped our guns as he leaned closer into me. We backed up and looked at each other again, remembering we were still playing laser tag. We blushed, half embarrassed and continued on the game, losing anyway.

The ride back was silent but Jura was still on my mind, and I was probably on his.

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