Chapter 8

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A/N : Apologies for not updating earlier during the week. Smash Ultimate and Hollow Knight has really pulled me in. But that aside here I am. Also we hit 2k reads, hell yeah. Glad your enjoying the book. But that aside lets get to gambling.


I was walking to school and on the way I was watching a music video from Yumemi Yumemete. Just looking at her mannerism's I could tell that she was a total bitch. But it didn't stop me from listening to the music. It was bearable not terrible. I could see from my peripherals that I was approaching the school but could not see Yumeko atop the stairs until she broke my focus.

Yumeko : Good morning babe *kisses Y/N's forehead* you seem focused what are you watching?

Y/N : Just a indie idol ( A/N Whatever the fuck that means) that goes to this school not to mention that she is on the council.

Yumeko : Wouldn't have figured that we have a celebrity at this school.

Y/N : Can't blame you I just found out that she did music. Anyway, the names Yumemi Yumemete. A 2nd year who is in charge of publicity. She seems fairly popular at the level that she's at and could probably make it big. I also heard that she's done concerts here. Which is weird because this school isn't all that big. But you cant get in unless you are part of her fan club.

Yumeko : Fan club?

Y/N : I'd like to think of it as a cult.

Yumeko : You've done your research babe *makes a scary face* Should I be worried that you would add her to our trio of you me and Mary.

Y/N : No I heard all of this on my way here. But I wouldn't mind adding her.

Yumeko : *Pouts* BABE!!

Y/N : *Laughs* Relax babe I'm kidding *kisses Yumeko's cheek* besides aside from being pretty that's all she's got going for her.

Yumeko : Why do you say that? Is something wrong with her?

Y/N : She's a bitch. A huge bitch. And I dont date bitches.

Yumeko : What about Mary?

Y/N : She had a bitchy attitude due to her overconfidence. But that's gone..... I hope....maybe.....probably not.

Yumeko : Well come on lets get to class.

We walked into the building to our lockers to put on our shoes. We temporarily parted ways to go to our lockers. After that we met back up and I saw that Yumeko had a letter. Who knows what that means but it wont be good.

3rd Person POV

Sayaka ran to the helicopter as the president and masked vice president boarded it.


Kirari : Is there something wrong Sayaka?

Sayaka : I could have made arrangements for you.

Kirari : I have to take care of some business so I'll be leaving the school for a while.

Sayaka : I hate to say it but this is bad timing, yesterday Yumeko and Midari -

Kirari : I heard.

Sayaka : And Y/N also-

Kirari : *Smiles* Oh I definitely saw that. *Bites lip and blushes* That is why I need to take care of this business. *Places hand on Sayaka's face* Everything is up to you. I'm counting on you.

Kirari and the Vice President walked towards the helicopter once more. Sayaka watch in disbelief thinking that she hold such a responsibility.


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