Chapter 3

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Published: January 23, 2019
Rewritten: September 7, 2022

The sun shone down on the BTS dorm as the seven of them snoozed away inside. After you left the previous night, they stayed up for just a few minutes talking about the events of the day, some bringing up how happy they were to spend time with you. Then, the seven of them went to bed to get some much needed rest.

Taehyung laid asleep in his bed, the covers partially kicked off him. He started to roll over, but felt a weight on top of him, preventing him from doing so. His brows furrowed at the feeling.
"Tannie, what are you doing out of your cage?" He questioned, still half asleep, wondering how the dog was able to get out.
He reached for the animal lying on him until he realized it wasn't his beloved puppy that was resting on top of him.
His eyes shot open as he looked at what was on him, letting out a gasp when he recognized a familiar heart-shaped alien sitting on his tummy.

"T-Tata?" He asked in disbelief, rubbing his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
"Tata!" The alien responded, lifting it's arms up.
"Tata!" He exclaimed excitedly as he hugged the little alien. Tata's arms stretched and wrapped around Taehyung. "You're actually here. I can't believe it."
He looked over and saw his puppy, Yeontan, tilting his head to the side as he looked at the strange alien attached to his sweet owner. Yeontan saw this strange creature as a threat and started barking.
"Tan, no. Shh. It's just Tata." Taehyung shushed the dog, not wanting to wake the others. However, Tan would not stop barking. In an attempt to calm down the rambunctious Pomeranian, Taehyung reached his hand into the gate surrounding the dog and began to pet him.

"It's okay, Tan. Everything is okay." He reassured the fluff ball.
Tata, who was rather curious, stretched his arm over to the tiny gate and went to pet the fluffy Yeontan. He, of course, started growling and yipping angrily at Tata, causing him to retract his arm. The alien whimpered in response and curled into Taehyung's chest.
"It's okay, Tata. Tannie will come around. He just needs to get used to you."
Tata nodded in understanding.
"What am I gonna do with you?" He sighed, holding the stretchy alien out at arms length.
Tata wiggled in his hold and reached for Taehyung.
"Aw you want cuddles?" He asked.
Tata nodded excitedly and smiled.
Taehyung couldn't resist, pulling the little alien into his chest as he moved to lie back down in bed.
"You're so adorable. I knew you were cute, but I never imagined you being this cute!" He gushed.
"Tata!" He responded, holding his arms up.
"The others are going to be so surprised! I can't wait to-" Taehyung stopped mid-sentence. "Wait. If you're in here with me... then what about the others?"
Having this realization, he jumped up and ran down the hallway with Tata latched onto his back.

Yoongi pulled the covers up as high as they would go and rolled over in bed. He felt something wiggling underneath him, which disturbed his sleep. He furrowed his brows, but kept his eyes closed, not being too bothered by it. The wiggling persisted, but this time it was behind him under the covers.

Yoongi then lifted his head and looked around for the source, freezing when he saw a lump moving around under his covers. He abruptly sat up and pulled the comforter back revealing none other than Shooky.
Startled by the sight, Yoongi screamed which, caused Shooky to scream as well.

Unable to believe what he was seeing, he reached out and touched the small cookie.
"You're real." He muttered in disbelief. "Hoseok's wish came true."
Shooky then waddled up to Yoongi, now feeling comfortable enough to approach him.
"Shooky, you're really here."
The cookie smiled and jumped into his arms hugging him. Yoongi chuckled a little, his heart melting.
"I have to admit, you're actually really adorable."

Yoongi couldn't help but wonder if the same thing was happening to the others. It had to be, right? Shooky laughed and wiggled out of Yoongi's grip before jumping from his arms. He started running and bouncing all over the room. He hopped up on the dresser and jumped around, preparing to launch himself onto a nearby bookshelf filled with figurines and Yoongi's small cologne collection.
The dark-haired male could see what was about to happen and spoke up to try and stop it.
"Hey! Shooky, don't."
Suddenly, Yoongi's bedroom door swung open, revealing a rather excited Taehyung.
"Check this out! It happened!" He exclaimed and turned around to show Tata hanging off his shoulders.
With the bedroom door open, Shooky saw an opportunity. Now with a new target in sight, he leapt off the dresser and ran out of the room.
"I'm well aware of that." Yoongi muttered.

Hoseok sat up in bed and stretched his stiff limbs, feeling well-rested after the night before. He was preparing to get out of bed when he heard a shuffling sound, making him freeze. He jumped slightly and looked towards the source of the noise. He was quick to notice the shirts in his closet moving around.
"A ghost." He squeaked. "G-get out of here ghost!"
The clothes stopped moving after that. Hoseok got up hesitantly and slowly made his way to the closet. His whole body was trembling as he reached out and pushed his shirts aside. A shrill scream was about to rip from his throat, but then he realized what was shuffling through his garments.

"Mang?" He gaped.
The tiny horse made a cute noise and leapt from the closet shelf into Hoseok's arms.
"Mang, it's you! It really is you! You're actually here!" He beamed, hugging him. "My wish. My wish came true!"
Mang pressed his little heart-shaped nose on Hoseok's cheek, causing him to giggle.
"I have to show you to the others right away." He giggled eagerly before running out of the room with the pony in his arms.

As soon as he burst out of his room, he saw Taehyung standing in Yoongi's doorway with Tata hanging from his shoulders.
No way. He thought to himself.
"Tae, look!" Hoseok called out, making sure to keep his voice somewhat lowered.
"I know!"
"My wish actually came true."
"It did. Shooky is here too, but he ran off somewhere."
"Really?" Hoseok gasped. "What about the others? Are the other characters here too?"
"I don't know. I was wondering the same thing."

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