Commitment Issues

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Anger swept through my veins as I watched my son look sadly around at the guests of his fifth birthday party. His dad still hadn't showed up, despite his promises that he would, of course.

I fumed quietly until the party was over and my baby was tucked safely in his bed. My sister agreed to watch him so I could find a man I haven't seen in two years.

I drove through the Romero Brothers scrap yard to the gate that hid the Mayans clubhouse. Parking there, I walked up to the gate. A set of eyes peeked through a gap.

I heard a laugh and then the voice of Riz. "Oh shit. This is gonna be good."

The gate swung open and I went through, leaving my car behind. I picked up a piece of tail pipe I spotted on top of a junk pile and took it into the clubhouse with me, passing a few amused looking club members. They knew why I was here, or at least had a vague idea.

After walking through the front door I scanned the room looking for him.

"Oh shit, Coco. Crazy baby mama alert." Angel said from my right, a grin on his face.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled at him.

He stood up quickly, nearly dumping the girl out of his lap who was perched there.

"Son of a whore, really." He replied. He was almost smiling. He stepped closer to me, completely unafraid. "You gonna hit me with that, or fix up my bike?"

I gripped the pipe tighter and pointed it at him. "I should beat your head in, Johnny Cruz."

Angel laughed. "Ooh. You're in trouble now. She used your full name and everything."

"Shut it, angel face." I told him.

Another laugh from Angel. "You hear that, man? She thinks I'm pretty."

A serious look had crossed Coco's face. "Get out, man."

Angel looked offended. "I just want to watch the fight. She's gonna beat your ass."

Coco pointed at the door. "Go. I mean it."

Angel didn't protest again, he turned and left quietly. The girl that had previously been in Coco's lap followed him quickly.

Coco didn't speak again until the door shut. "Give me that before you hurt yourself." He stretched an arm out for the pipe.

"Like you'd care. You won't even make an appearance at your son's party." I pulled the pipe back out of his reach.

He looked guilty, but I wasn't buying it. "I should have never promised him I'd be there. I told you I couldn't be a part of his life when you got pregnant."

I scoffed. "Oh, so now it's my fault? I'm sorry we ever bothered you, Coco. He just wanted to talk to his dad. He wants to know you. Do you have any idea what it feels like when your child asks you what he did to make his dad hate him? It fucking hurts."

"That's exactly why I can't be a part of his life. It's only gonna end up hurting him."

I was close to tears now. I hoped my voice wouldn't shake with my reply. "Bullshit. You're just too afraid to commit to anything besides this motorcycle club." I swept my hand that held the pipe around.

Coco moved quicker than I thought he would. He grabbed the pipe and tried to pull it out of my grasp, but I wouldn't let go. I stumbled forward and lost my balance. Coco caught me with his free arm.

I looked up into his eyes, remembering why I fell so hard for him five years ago, and why it hurt so much that he wouldn't stay. I could see that familiar heat in his eyes.

He closed the distance between our lips. I took my hand off of my weapon so I could wrap my arms around him. He must have done the same, I heard the metal clatter to the floor. Coco pressed me against the wall as our kissing grew more passionate.

"Damn, I missed your crazy ass." He groaned before putting his lips to my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2018 ⏰

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