The Directors

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After that day, our group discussed a few key points after the meeting with the Admins.

1) This might be related to Tsurugi, since the first direct attack wasn't in the Minecraft HQ, but in the Lancelot Messenger HQ, which the Tsurugi's family owns. Admin Endou asked if there was a feud between the other messenger companies, but Tsurugi doesn't have a clue.

2) The code of the virus was found, and the only thing left is to solve the three, but as they said, the 2nd one has a catch. We volunteered to fix it, and send it as soon as possible to attack the virus.

3) Even if they formed a contract with the Everwing Corporation's director Kazemaru Ichirouta, they still need more labor and funds, because the game's income has decreased prior to the mass hacking of the MC. Although, there's a sole company that can help them by forming a single contract.

The World Gaming Center.

A prestigious corporation known for its success in gaming such as arcades, card games, legal gambling, and others. Its net worth is estimated as 3 Billion Yen, and yet, it has no known direct connections with anyone or other companies. That's why a lot of people wondered how it became this famous without the help of others.

Admin Endou told us that he once had a meeting with the directors of WGC in that place, however, they didn't show up, instead just letting them hearing their voices only. A male and a female, they say, but cannot tell how old they are and what they look like.

And then we are assigned to this request in an e-mail.

"As we work on taking back the game from the virus, can you guys send a request on the WGC's directors?"

And today, we are preparing to take a trip to the said corporation.

"How long must we wait for that urgent appointment schedule to finish, Shindou-san?" Tsurugi complained as he leaned on the wall.

Oh, by the way, we're at Shindou-senpai's manor for the preparation of going to the said company, because we can't get inside and have a meeting with the directors without an official appointment.

"Well, the WLAN is very slow today, so bear with it."

Meanwhile, Kariya is rummaging the ref, "Ah, your food stuff makes me throw up, Shindou-senpai. I mean, who the heck keeps every kind of vegetables inside this thing?"

I raised a brow, "Without any meat or fish?"


"Who gave you permission to open my ref? And its not all vegetables, use your eyes and find the meat, fish, eggs or whatever," He came to his ref and shut it loudly. "Few minutes and it's done. Wake up Kirino and Fei."

The two others woke up as we started to keep our things and mount the car. Shindou's car. 

"We're going already?" Fei said while rubbing his eyes.

"Well, we need to. Admins asked us to do this." Tenma reminded.

"Wait, who's going to drive the car?"

"The driver will. Shindou has a driver, right?" Aoi said.

"Senpai's that rich?!" I said.

"Hey, now, I'm really not that rich. It's just none of my parents bothered to take a driver's license test to be able to drive a car." The oldest male replied. "Anyway, our family driver is currently with my parents so I'll drive."

"Shindou-senpai, can you really drive?" Kariya started mocking, "I bet the last time you drove, you almost hit a kid,"

"You shut up little brat or I'll tie you up in front of this car and crash to an electric post. Then I'll watch you electrocute to death."

Xx_My_Gamer_xX (Tsurugi Kyousuke X Reader) =Inazuma Eleven Go Modern AU=Where stories live. Discover now