Chapter 1

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Legends say that once long ago, years before, back when the gods and goddess still roamed the earth free as a bird, there was proclaimed a prophecy.

Out of all the gods and goddess that roamed, there was one goddess, pure of heart and as beautiful as they come, who decided to make something that the other gods forbade, she made a human. She carved him out of the earth and breathed life into him before giving him a heart pure of gold and a face that outshone everything it laid its eyes upon

When she finished her masterpiece she decided to give him inhumane powers. She gave him the ability to transform into a wolf, faster than the wind itself. She also gave him the ability to control those around him and the sight of a god. 

Soon the other gods found out about her creation and Malakai, the god of all gods sent a creation of his own to murder and claim back what was his, the man's heart. The creation he made was a vampire, faster than a werewolf and lives off of others' blood

But little did he know, the goddess had fallen in love with the little human. Their love for each other grew day by day and resulted in their having an offspring. It is also said a child of a goddess will possess powers normal gods could only wish for but the price to pay for the child was a cruel one. The one that wasn't bearing the child had to die, they needed to die in other for the child to live.

Malakai was furious my this, he sent his strongest men to spy on the child and once given birth too, murder it and the bearer.

When the goddess gave birth, the child was her pride and joy, her happiness, her life. But all that was taken from her when the fateful night dawned nearer and nearer

The king attacked. Many lost their lives protecting the child, till eventually only the goddess was left. She sent her child with her most trusted and sent him to the Moon Goddess.

The Moon Goddess saw how much love was put into making a child pure as the one in front of her and made the boy his. She made more of his kind, werewolves. She knew that this child was special but didn't know how.

The prophecy that was made that day was.... 

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