Lazy Day.

15 0 4

I wrote this role play. I was bored and I had to write this. Enjoy.

Gir is running around while zim, Dib, and I lay around doing nothing.
Setting: Zim's house
Me: I'm so bored.

Zim: bored? What exactly is 'bored'? *looks at me*

Dib: It's something you feel when you have EXACTLY nothing to do.

Me: what he just said.

Gir: *still running around?* Yeeeheeeeheee eeeeheeeheeehe!
YeehehehehyaHoO!! I'mM bOrEd!!

Me: no, you're actually energetic Gir.

Zim: *rolls eyes* When is he not? 😒

We all watch Gir. Gir runs into the wall, but gets back up.

Gir: *holds his chin* huh... I UnDeRsStAnd. *goes back to running around* yeEhehEE!

Me: so we want to do anything? Other than 'Dominate the world,' 'Get at each others throats', or 'Let out Zim's secret plan or disguise'?

Dib&Zim: eehhhh....mmmm... Ehhh... Well....

Me: 😑could've just said I don't know or something like that... Gir!  What do you wanna do?

Gir: *stops his fooling around and eyes turn red then back to normal* I DoN'tT KnOwW. *sticks his tongue out and stares blankly ahead.*

Me: ....

Dib: watch 'Mysterious Mysteries'?

Zim: Call the Almighty Tallest?

Gir: Roll around?

Me: .... call the Almighty Tallest.

Zim: ComPUter!!! Call the Almighty Tallest!!

Computer calls up the Almighty's Tallest.

Almighty Tallest: What is it Zi- who Is ThAt with YoU?!

Zim: this is my FiLThY HyOoman fRiEnds.

Almighty Tallest (Red): what's up with the big head kid?

Dib: HEY! I heard that.

Zim: Dib? I don't know.

Almighty Tallest (purple): who's the other one? The one playing with gir?

Zim: Broken Freak,... Broken freak get away from Gir! He's not a HyOoman dog pet.

Almighty Tallest: yeah ok, what did you call us for?

Zim: the HyoomanS were 'Bored' and so I called you up to-

Almighty Tallest (Purple): *interrupts* *looks at me and Dib* How tall are You?

Dib: *says height*

Me: 5'5 and a quarter...

Almighty Tallest (Purple): are you StUpid?

Me: No.

Zim: She isn't, *points at Dib* but he is!

Dib: I'm not stupid!

Almighty Tallest: What's 'Bored'?

Dib: *knudges my shoulder* And he calls us stupid. 😂

Me: 😂😂😂

Zim: It's when you got EXACTLY nothing to do.

Gir: *Running around energetically and screaming* I'm BoReD!!!!!!!

Almighty Tallest: *look at each other then back to us*  *sarcastically* Well... We really hate cutting this short, but we gotta go, hope you find something to do. bye!!! *ends call quickly*

Zim: Now what?

Me: I don't know we find something to do?...

Gir: Make Waffles!!!

Zim: No Gir!

Dib: Watch 'Mysterious Mysteries', at least one?....

Zim: 😑

Me: ok.. Just one.

We watch the show and then it ends...

Gir: LeT's watch It AgAin!!!

Zim: No Gir!!!!

Gir: awww... *complains about how he wants to see what happens to a person*

Dib: Gir you already know what happens to him.

Gir: But I want to see it again!!! *throws a fit*

Zim: 😑

Dib: guess we just part now?

Me: I guess...

Zim tries to calm Gir down while we leave.

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