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Finn's body tensed up as the girl in front of him attempted to take his jacket off him. Although he didn't exactly want to get rid of her, he certainly wanted an explanation as to why she was trying to seduce him.

"Relax." She whispered into his ear and pushed his coat off.

He noticed that she didn't seem particularly interested in fucking him and appeared to be acting her way through it.

Penny kissed him once more, and this time his hands rested on her waist. He pulled her towards her before sitting her on the desk in Tommy's office. Finn felt ever so slightly inferior as he realised she knew he was a virgin.

"Can you relax please?" She laughed gently. "It's like kissing a plank of wood."

"In my defense I don't have a fucking clue  what's going on." He failed to see the funny side as he angrily folded his arms and stepped away from her.

"I'm not supposed to tell you." She rolled her eyes. "But your aunt rented me for the night."

"Then why aren't you fucking her?" He asked.

"No, you div." She smacked his arm. "She rented me on behalf of you."

"Right." He paused as his confusion festered. "But why?"

"Oh I don't know. Can we just fuck so I can get paid?" She sighed, slightly embarrassed.

"How old are you?" He eyed her up and down. "And I'm not fucking you until I know your name. Then we'll talk."

"Fine. I'm Penny James, I'm 18 and I'm a prostitute." She held her hand out for him to shake.

There was no denying it, Penny was stunningly beautiful. Her eyes interested Finn the most as they were so unpredictable. Every time she blinked they changed from a light green to a sky blue. She was incredibly far out of his league and he didn't want to let her go.

"Finn Shelby." He shook her hand with a smirk. "Also 18 but not a prostitute."

"I know exactly who you are. Everyone in Birmingham does." She smiled.

"They know my brothers but no one ever pays attention to me." He sat down on the table next to her.

"Awh." She pinched his cheek. "Poor Finny baby."

"Fuck off." He slapped her arm away.

Penny seemed too lovely to be in the line of work she was.

"Look if it's money you need I can steal some from the vault." He pointed towards the large door of the safe.

He stood up and she immediately pulled him close to her, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Do you have a death wish? Tommy would make you disappear under suspicious circumstances." She scoffed. "Look, if you don't want to fuck then just say. I'll go."

"No no." Finn rushed out a little too eager. "I do want to fuck. It's just, well it'll be my first time and I don't really know who you are."

"Fine. You ask me three questions, as personal as you like and I'll answer them completely honest. Then I suck you off. Okay?" Penny offered confidently.

The blush that grew on Finn's cheeks caused her to smirk.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Hit me with your questions then." She slowly started to undo his tie.

"Do your family know what you do?" He asked shakily as she pulled his tie out from under his collar.

"Yes. Mum kicked me out when she found out." Penny answered honestly.

Finn watched as she pulled her dress over her head and threw it aside, leaving her just in her underwear.

"Why are you doing this? Being a prostitute?" He asked his next question.

She paused as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his shoulders with ease. She then moved on towards undoing his trousers but his hands locked onto hers, halting her.

"You gonna answer?" He pushed.

"The only thing I have going for me is my looks and my vagina. I'm talentless and fucking stupid. Sex is easy money because there's always a horny old man out there somewhere." She met eyes with him as she replied.

He could see in her stare that she was hurting. When she said she'd be truly honest, he didn't expect to see her in such an unhappy way. She didn't lose eye contact with him as she loosened his trousers and pushed them down to his knees.

"I'm in too deep to stop, it's a vicious circle. People only know me as a whore so I'll never get a real job. My best friend is a whore too and now that I'm basically homeless, she and her sister are all I've got." Penny carried on as one hand went to his cheek and the other to his cock.

"What's your favourite colour?" Finn awkwardly coughed out as he felt her hand toy with the waistband of his underwear.

Penny ceased all movement as his last question shocked her to the core.

"Are you fucking serious?" She tried to conceal her laughter.

"It's hard to think philosophically when there's a fit girl with her hand on your cock." He sighed and threw his head back.

She pulled his neck towards her and kissed him hard. His hands fiddled with the back of her bra, which she aided him to remove. His eyes practically bulged out of his head.

Her hands slid under his underwear and finally made contact with his dick, causing him to breath deeply.

"Red." She whispered in his ear as she heard him main softly.

"What?" He asked confused.

His entire brain was filled with her actions that he'd completely forgotten their deal.

"My favourite colour is red. Symbolic of passion and lust." She smirked and kissed him once more.

"I expected nothing less of you."

a/n: wowza I'll regret this one in the morning?? ALSO, THEY ARE BOTH 18 SO DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE COME FOR ME!! Also also, I'm very sorry for not updating in a while but I was completing my John Shelby fic but now that's done, my other fics will be getting more attention x

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