Chapter 2

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After we got some food we came to the school parking-lot, I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed my guitar and got out.

"Hey guys?" Alexis Inquired

"Yeah?" Aaron and I asked at the same time.

"You think the universe will be kind and give us a day of minimal Bullshit?" She asked us, sounding annoyed.

"Considering the how four people here tend to to act?" I began looking over to the four jerks that were walking towards us with smug smirks plastered on their faces.

"Not likely."I Mumbled loud enough only Alexis and Aaron could hear.

"Hey guys look its the Losers club rejects!"Brent there ring-leader joked with his group of complete idiots.

"You're seriously still using that old joke? Man, and I thought I was unoriginal." I retorted, Brents little posse were struggling to stifle their laughter but they found it easy when Brent gave them a death glare. He turned and gave me the same glare, He stomped over to me. at this point the other students that were in the hallway turned there attention to us.

"Watch your mouth Grey! Or that face won't be so pretty." He threatened. Awww isn't that cute!

"I honestly want to gag at the fact that you called me pretty." I said disgust clear in my tone.

"Well, w-why don't you take that guitar and die like your loser brother!" He shouted everyone gasping, but me, I narrowed my eyes in anger, grabbed his shirt collar, punched him once, let go of his shirt and punched him harder in the nose.

"You can call me whatever you want, you can beat me till I bleed or barely alive. But call my brother, my hero! A loser! And trust me, I will make your life a living nighmare. I snapped not regretting a single word. But this isn't a random park or allyway, this is school, so short version were in trouble.

I sighed annoyed with how today went. I don't understand why Brent has it out for me. I look at my jacket and memories of my brother flooded my mind, I sit down under a tree and take out my guitar, more memories flood my mind. It's no secret that I miss him. I begin to play "In my blood" by Shawn Mendes. It was a song that he would sing to me when I would come home sad or frustrated.

 His voice was the perfect mix of raspy and smooth, he would sing me to sleep when I couldn't sleep. I know it sounds corny but he taught me that even when it felt like there wasn't any light in the like the clouds were blocking the sun, pick up that old guitar or put on a song and sing those clouds away, belt and shout to your hearts desire.   

As I sang, I kept him in mind. It was just something I did even when he was here. It helps to ground me in the moment, and to keep nasal airflow.   

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                                                                                                                                                                        I finished singing and put my guitar back in it's case, as I stood up slinking the strap on my shoulder, a crash was heard to my left. I slowly walked over to the crash sight to see a crater, in the middle two little things and some sort of crystal. I carefully made my way to the center to get a closer look. 

The two things turned out to be two little toy like figures. I quirked my brows confused and held my hand over one of them but I couldn't feel any heat. Even more confused I picked them up and examined them. One looked like a living artichoke holding a gun that shoots out tomatoes. The other was an alligator with a bow and arrow made out of that crystal. My eyes widened, I put the gator in my other hand that held the artichoke and grabbed the crystal.
As I held it started to glow. I gasped and closed my eyes and went unconscious.........................................................................................................................

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