My life

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It all started when my mother got pregnant with me, and after nine months went into labour. It was so painful for her, as you can probably imagine and- wait, why am I explaining this to you. I'm sure you know how birthing goes, well you will after this story anyway.

I'm Clara Hades, aged 15, blah, blah, blah. Well I do have SOME interesting information about myself that I'm willing to share with you. I was born on the 27th of February, naturally a brunette with eyes the colour of celery. I live in good old London, or should I say 'Landan.' My father buggered of when I was 2, apparently he couldn't cope. Couldn't cope with playing video games all day while my mum slaved away for both of us. After that traumatic experience, me and my mother became closer than ever. I say I'm happier without him but, how would I know. I was 2 when he left so... I can't remember a thing. I'm an average teenage girl, with a group of devoted friends, the odd boyfriends and stalking ex's, the 'I hate you' routines that are shouted to my mum often (I don't really mean it) and the gossip. Every girl is a gossip, whether they like it or not. Well, I suppose we should get this story started! Oh yeah, nearly forgot, I'll list all the characters at the start of every chapter and explain what they're relation to Clara or her friends are. Xxx Enjoy and don't forgot to follow, like comment and... ENJOY!!!

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