//Chapter 5\\

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The streets are flooding with the vacationers from Starlight Wonderland. Some very mad and screaming that they aren't allowed to leave yet. Guardian Forces were on top of the islands entrance with one of them holding a megaphone.

GF1: listen up! I know all of you want to leave the second we open the gate we'll want everyone to make their way down to the boat. Everyone please remain calm and move in an orderly fashion

The GF turned off the megaphone as she looked down at the screaming anxious crowd.

GF2: what do we do when they get there? There are no boats

GF1: it doesn't matter. They won't get there

She turned on the megaphone once again and placed it close to her lips.

GF1: we're opening the gates! Begin moving.. slowly

The crowd started moving slowly pass the gates. One of the GF pulled out the walkie talkie.

GF3: sir, we've opened the gate. Your witnesses are moving into position

Michael: perfect. Make sure no one splits up from the group. No one can be walking around until after they're captured

GF3: yes sir! We will guide them to the rendezvous point. Over and out


Aaron was walking with the duffle bag in his hand and tears swelling up, Y/N was going after him but wasn't able to call out to him since her voice was raspy. She fell down to her knees as she placed her hand on the open wound by her chest. She was panting but managed to shakily stand to her feet and look at Aaron.

Y/N: Aaron.... stop..

He continued to walk ahead of her. She growled and continued to follow him. As they kept walking, she got frustrated with him and threw herself at him making them fall down the steps on the ground. She grunted at the impact.

Y/N: snap out of it Aaron! You can't just expect to meet up with Ein without any sort of plan!

Aaron looked over at Y/N with mourning eyes. She expected a response from him but instead he lifted himself off the ground slowly and continued walking, leaving Y/N on the ground with her fingernails digging into her thighs as she grasped her pants.

She continued to follow him in an attempt to stop him but it's as if he can't hear anything coming out of her mouth. They continued walking without Y/N knowing where she was getting led to. They walked up the steps to the bridge and there was Blaze and two other werewolves behind him. Ein in the far back with two werewolves beside him.

Aaron stopped on top of the steps and Y/N quietly panting besides him.

Tourist: look! The Ultima! They're right there!

The GF's turned around and noticed the two standing on the bridge. One of them gasped and pulled out the walkie talkie.

GF1: John, we got our eyes on the Ultima. They're on the bridge across the resort lake

GF: get your team and surround them

GF1: Roger that. You heard the man

They loaded their guns and ran towards the bridge.

Tourist: it's the Ultima!

Tourist2: they're right there! If they capture them this is all over!

Tourist3: we can finally go home

Tourist4: lock them away!

Y/N looked over to the bridge across from them and saw they were all throwing remarks at her and Aaron. She ignored them and continued to face ahead of her to lock eyes with Blaze. Helicopters were flying above them making their hair fly around from the helicopters fans. Y/N saw that Michael was in one of the helicopters and growled.

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