Softer than a daisy

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My soft blonde hair over my shoulders, falling down my back. I try to remember what they told me to do. I look in the mirror, my room is pretty bare; only a mirror, a small bed, a tiny dresser, and lamp. I stare at myself in my light blue eyes, trying my best to ignore it. A black shadow slowly creeps up behind me, in the mirror. "Daisy...", It said to me. I sign out loud, "What is it, Dandelion?" I ask the shadow. "They're watching us, Daisy. They are watching you." I starting to get a bit agitated. I get up and walk to the "Call nurse" button. Dandelion watches me and their voice raises at me, "Daisy, don't you call them" My pale hand on the button, but not pressing down on it. Dandelion comes closer to me, "Daisy, they will kill you, Daisy!" The voice fills my head "Listen to me, they will-" The nurse comes in with a tray with some pills and a glass of water.

"Daisy, it's time for your medication. I also got you a glass a water because I know you can't dry swallow anything." The nurse soft voice makes me feel safe and yet annoyed at the same time. "Alright, just leave it on the dresser by the mirror." I pointed to that dreaded mirror with Dandelion still in there. The nurse put down the water and pills, walk out and close the door. I stare at the door for a while, then slowly walk to the mirror. "Daisy, are you going to take their poison? Daisy! Don't take that." I open the pill bottle. "Daisy....don't" I stop what I was doing and stare at the mirror with fingerprint marks on it, it takes me a second to think about words but, I finally open my mouth. "Why should I care what someone like you should think about me?" I turn away so my back is facing the mirror. "Everyone thinks I'm a monster." The shadow in the mirror changes into a familiar voice, "That's not true, Daisy, I love you, I really do."; my mother. I feel tears forming in my eyes, I stay still like a statue until I come to my senses. Tightly gripping the pill bottle, without thinking, I threw the pill bottle into the mirror.

The cheap mirror shatters into a cluster on little pieces. After some deep breaths while staring into what was a mirror that I used to love, the tears that I was holding back finally fall down my cheeks. I fall to the floor, covering my eyes, lastly and gradually letting out all of my bottled up emotions go. The next day rolls around and I was awakened by a voice outside the door. "Do you think we should keep her here?" A male's voice is heard outside my room. I walk up to the door and press my ear on the door, trying to listen to someone's conversation. "I'm not sure, she doesn't really fuss with the staff members and she takes the medications when asked." A different voice pipes up, sounding concerned. I hear a deep breath. "People said that they heard a loud crash in the night. It had to come from her room. Everyone was asleep at the time." The first male voice said again. "Maybe we should check it out." The second voice suggests. The few seconds of silence feel much longer when you're waiting on something. "Nah, not now, it's too early for all that now." The voice said then there was nothing more than fainting footsteps.

"Well, Daisy looks like you won." Dandelion's voice ring in my head. I run over to the glass shards and pick up the largest one that I could find. It's not there. "You finally got what you wanted all along." I'm looking around everywhere for Dandelion. Nothing, but broken glass and spilled pills. I hear laughter and howling in my mind. I sit down, knees to my chest and hands on my ears. I see a dark, miry hand on my right shoulder."You really are softer than a daisy." The voice leaves me alone, by myself.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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