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"Smart Money is on the Skinny Bitch"

Isabelle was working, wiping down the counter humming softly to herself. That was when Max walked closer, wearing one of his famous smiles

"If it isn't my star employee" Max leaned on the clean counter. Isabelle bit her lip, eyeing the place she had already cleaned where he placed his  hand, sighing softly. "How come you always know how to keep the customers happy it always amazes me"

Isabelle shrugged, smiling slightly "I know how to deal with men" she replied, pausing for a second "And women"

Max's grin grew, "Sometimes I think I don't give you enough credit. You're an amazing woman. Your mother is probably proud"

Isabelle held back a groan. Her mother had been the first one to strike a deal with Max's father to hire her as a receptionist in one of his luxurious motels but when that didn't work for her, Max offered her to work with him because he had seen the way she kept things in order.

To say Madison was angry and disappointed was an understatement. She never approved of anything Isabelle did. Which is why, Isabelle always tried the things Madison didn't like. After all, Madison wasn't her mother.

"All the contrary" Isabelle replied, looking away when someone called for her. "I'll be right back, Max"

Isabelle walked away without waiting for a response, frowning to herself warily. She knew Max was friendly to her but sometimes, she felt how she treated her differently than her co workers. She got to the customer calling to her and began serving him when two men talking got her attention.

"I want to talk to him" A guy wearing a grey shirt told a man in a suit.

"You want to what?" Suitman repeated skeptically.

Isabelle glanced at them out of the corner of her eyes. Their conversation seemed serious enough and they seemed to be talking about some kind of criminal. She paused. How did she knew that?

"I just-"

"You definitely need to get back to the hospital and get your head checked" Suitman interrupted Grayshirt.

Isabelle continued eavesdropping. Listening to other people's conversations or their life stories was some kind of form of entertainment she had picked up since she began working as a bartender. It helped with the boredom.

"Five minutes" Greyshirt told him, "That's all I need"

"Even if I wanted to give you access to this guy, and I don't, it's out of my hands" Suitman told him, "Homeland Security sent over a car to pick him up and transport him to another facility for questioning"

"When?" Greyshirt asked

"Well, that's a need to know only" Suitman answered "He's on lockdown" Greyshirt didn't seem convinced or happy with him, so Suitman raised his eyebrows, mockingly "Hey, you're a hero. Enjoy your five minutes of fame and stop trying to make six out of it"

Suitman walked away, leaving Greyshirt alone

Isabelle clicked her tongue, walking closer to him "That guy is a dick" She told him, startling him


Will stared at Agent Stiles, wanting to be given a moment to talk to Jonas the terrorist, as the man seemed to know what was going on him. What he was feeling and experiencing since a while ago. The migraine, the hallucinations, the noises. Those feelings he couldn't explain that came out of nowhere.

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