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soonyoung would consider himself to be having two jobs that he loves. his actual job was being a choreographer, and his other job, which meant the whole world to him, was being jihoon's husband.

he had promised the younger way before. he had believed that he would remember his promise with jihoon, and here they are. not as jihoon's boyfriend anymore, but as his husband.

soonyoung had proposed to jihoon a year ago outside the supposed kindergarten, which had unfortunately closed down long ago. but nevertheless, the two would still visit that area frequently since it was also the place they first met.

they had stayed together, from babies to husbands, and they were still inseparable today. if you ever see jihoon without soonyoung one day, you'll know something's wrong. those two are still like two peas in a pod.

"soonie? what are you thinking about?" soonyoung snapped back to reality when he heard his beloved jihoonie's voice. the younger had entered his office with two cups of coffee, before setting them on soonyoung's desk. soonyoung grinned, gesturing for jihoon to sit on his lap.

he wraps his arms around jihoon's small waist as the younger stares into his eyes, looking for signs of stress. but all he gets is a peck on the lips and a blush on his cheeks.

after all these years, jihoon still wasn't able to handle the butterflies in his stomach whenever soonyoung does that. he'd always feel flustered, even when they had always kissed when they were still small innocent kids. the feeling still is foreign to him, and he thinks that he could never get used to it. he likes that feeling anyway.

"nothing, just thinking about us when we were still in kindergarten." soonyoung boops jihoon's nose. jihoon buries his face into soonyoung's shoulder, mumbling incoherent words.

"remember when i fell down because i tripped over a toy? you kissed my boos away back then." jihoon wants to whine, but he decides to keep quiet.

"i remember seungcheol hyung told me to keep crying because he saw you and jeonghan hyung looking at us. we were trying to get your attentions back then because you two were cuddling without us. it was silly now that i think of it, but really funny too." soonyoung chuckles, kissing the side of jihoon's head. jihoon pushes himself away from soonyoung's shoulder and squints his eyes at him.

"wait, what?" soonyoung then raises a hand to caress jihoon's rosy cheek.

"you and jeonghan hyung were cuddling together while watching spongebob. seungcheol hyung and i felt jealous and it was dumb, really, because we actually thought of running to you guys and pulling you both away from each other, but i fell and cried, which made seungcheol hyung think of an idea and got me to cry harder so you both would come to us. you then crawled your way to me and i thought, oh my gosh he's so adorable, while i continued pretending to feel hurt. then you-" soonyoung is cut off from his rambling by jihoon's shy kiss on his lips.

"i know, soonie. then i kissed your forehead. right?" soonyoung smiled at jihoon and gave jihoon eskimo kisses. "you're so adorable. back then and now."

"i'm not. and you were so clumsy back then! i had to give you so many kisses, and coincidentally enough, they were all on your forehead! were you doing it on purpose just so i could kiss your forehead?" soonyoung gives a sheepish smile and all jihoon can do is sigh.

"you're such an idiot."

"i'm your idiot. i love you so much."

"i love you too."

"oh, remember when we fought because i didn't give you the toy you wanted? i was so upset because you were upset and crying."

"i was genuinely sad because you didn't want to talk to me! i thought you were mad at me," jihoon sniffed, feeling soonyoung's arms wrap around his waist tighter, "you even offered all the toys you wanted to play with to me. you thought i just wanted the toys. but all i wanted was y-" jihoon stops abruptly, cheeks heating up fast.

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