Dinner party

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-Alyna's point of view-
Hahahahaha kinky I giggle "Why did you giggle?" Gray asked "Your into this kinky shit?" I smile he smirks and said "Not kinky dominance" he say "Ya my bad Gray dominance" he smirked and leans closer to me while saying "Who said you can call me Gray" he says bitting my lip I gulp realizing my mistake shit "time for punishment" he say walking me towards the couch he sits down takes my hand and bends me over his lap and slightly pulls up my shirt to show my ass that's covered by my shirt he pulls down my underwear to show my bare ass while I was screaming on the inside she says "Count" I nod my head he slaps my ass "One" I say we do all the way to ten he say "That wasn't so bad was it and by the way you can start calling me Gray" you fucking ass butt I get up and rub my ass damn that don't feel nice I don't know how people get turned on by this I waddle towards the door only to be stopped by Gray grabbing my waist saying "We are not done yet" I looked confused until he picks me up and places me on the bed and goes in between my legs he starts rubbing my clit with one hand and started taking off his pants with the other I started moaning like crazy he got his sweat pants down to his knees and he removes his finger from my clit I would have whimpered if I didn't know he was about to fuck me like a hurricane he aims his cock at my entrance and rames into me not giving me time to adjust he pulls my shirt up and it covers my eyes I was about to remove it until he growls and says "Don't touch it" he grunts our only going faster is while holding my hands down he goes and starts sucking on my left nipple and I couldn't help the moans coming out of me it feels so nice "F-Faster G-Gray!" I scream he grunts and goes even faster if it's even humanly possible then unexpectedly he hits my g-spot I was so close to cumming "Ohhhhh their again!" I scream he removes his mouth from my nipple and says "I'm so close" he says while his thrusts gets sloppy he then hits my g-spot again and I instantly cum "G-GRAY!!" I scream as I came he grunts and cums and he let's go of my hands and flops beside me breathing heavily I put my shirt down and lean back that was amazing hot damn.
-Later that after Alyna got ready for the party- I walk down his spiral stairs wearing

-Later that after Alyna got ready for the party- I walk down his spiral stairs wearing

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And my hair is done as

and last but not leader my shoes are

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and last but not leader my shoes are

 Once at the bottom of the stairs I see Gray wearing

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Once at the bottom of the stairs I see Gray wearing

She's looking as sexy as usual I smile and he gives a small smirk (sigh) I really wish this can be more then a fuck and dunk I walk to him and he says "Ready to go?" I smile and say "Yup as ready as I'll ever be to meet one of the richest family's...

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She's looking as sexy as usual I smile and he gives a small smirk (sigh) I really wish this can be more then a fuck and dunk I walk to him and he says "Ready to go?" I smile and say "Yup as ready as I'll ever be to meet one of the richest family's in the world" he smirks and says "That's the spirit" we walk out his house and got to his car with Elfman opening the door once he saw us he opened the door and stepped aside I smile and say a small thank you and go into the car after me Gray goes in with a head nod towards Elfman, Elfman closes the door and goes to the driver seat he starts the car (sigh) now I have to wait for god knows how long....
-1 hour later still Alyna's point of view-
We stop in front of a FUCKING MANSION you what u change my mind I'm not as ready as I'll ever be I'm going to duck something up it's going to happen I see it know I take a deep breath Gray is all ready out the car and is walking to my door he opens it I say thank you and he nods his head we link arms and walk in "Wooooooow" I whisper I think Gray heard me because he chuckled Esther way this place is way nicer then his no a-fence I follow Gray as he leads me to where I believe is the dinning room we walk into a really beautiful room with a long table that can hold about sixteen people and their are people all ready their Mis.Fullbuster is on one end of the table and I assume Mr.Fullbuster is on the other end on Urs right is a girl with long black hair and almost black eyes with peach skin color and on the left side of Ur is a well built man with long black sticky hair and I can't see his eyes since I'm behind him we walked in and everyone notices and gets up to greet us I'm introduced by Gray saying "This is Alyna my date for tonight" Gray says festering towards me I smile and shake hand with everyone saying "Nice to meet you" and with his sister, father, and brother I got a introduce to "Please take a seat by me" his sister Ultear says I smile and nod we all sit down Gray sits in front of me so beside of Gajeel that I now know his name he also has very nice red eyes.
-Victoria's point of view-
"I feel like I'm missing something amazing" I say confused by the feeling.
(Did you get the reference)
-Alyna's point of view-
The dinner was going very nice in fact Ur started a conversation "So Alyna where are you originally from?" (A. Note: I don't know if I told you where they are from but their from in this story/tori Seattle)
I stop eating and say "I'm from Manchester New Hampshire" Ur nods "Up north I heard it's really cold their this time is year" (it's getting close to winter in the story please just roll with it) "Ya actually I plan on going up their for my moms birthday" Ur nods and asked "Oh when your leaving?" "Monday morning" I look at Gray and he looks like he's about to combust he says "Me and Alyna need to talk about business so if you excuse us" he say getting up and walking to me I get up and when he gets to me we lock arms after we leave their field of vision he grabbed my arm ruffle and brings me out side he starts complaining "Why didn't you tell me you where leaving me?!" He yells I was confused "First of all we are not even dating and I'm leaving for a week to visit my mom!" I say he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and he say "Your are in big trouble" I start saying "What you mean your in big trouble I'm not breaking any rules I'm visiting family god damn!" He smacks my ass "That's from not telling me sooner" he does it again "That's for swearing" god this is going to be a long night..........................

This is your guys Christmas present hoped you enjoyed till next time and plz comment!👋 Marry Christmas this is ur present you know who u r!!

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