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Izuku was all in all creepy and weird or that's what any of the other kids in the orphanage would tell you.

None of the other kids wanted to get close to the kid that always took to watching people from a distance, randomly mumbled under his breath, has dark bags under his eyes, sickly pale skin, gets random nosebleeds, has long green curly hair that always seemed messy, never seemed to smiled or laughed and has a dangerous quirk.

To say the other kids Weren't at least a little scared of him would be a lie.

He also had a kind of vibe that just shouted 'KEEP AWAY' and everyone else was all to happy to do just that.

Especially after his quirk had manifested and a bunch of children had to be took to the hospital for several injuries ranging from minor to severe.

When asked what had happened they had all said it was izuku.

The other kids were all to scared to go close to him after that always avoiding him and keeping their distance.

It also didn't help that the supposed leader of all the children in the neighborhood Bakugou Katsuku seemed to have some sort of hatred for Izuku.

No one really understood why the bullying had started the two used to be really good friends but they'd all just assumed that after Bakugou developed his quirk he had realise how weird and creepy Izuku was and decided he didn't like him anymore it was very likely considering his personality so no one really questioned the sudden change.

So even if they weren't scared of him they would have ignored him regardless.

No one wanted to get on the bad side of Bakugou especially after his quirk had manifested.

They had all seen how it works watched in wonder as explosions danced across his palms and then horror as they connected to human skin that wasn't his own.

He'd been even further isolated from everyone because there's no way someone could go through that much pain and not feel anything.

Even while getting hit by explosions he'd not so much as flinch It had just further shown how much of a freak he was.

Now izuku he could explain everything. He really could! The eye bags are because he has insomnia he barely gets any sleep at night, he's pale skin and random nosebleeds is just because he doesn't like going out a lot and his quirk it's not that bad, he doesn't talk or interact alot because he's just really shy not like anyone wants to talk to him anyway and his messy long curly hair? He's given up on it ages ago he at least tries to keep it under wraps by trying to tie it up but it does close to nothing but at at least keeps some hair out of his eyes which he's thankful for.

Also it's not like he could get it cut they didn't have the money to and it's not like anyone's gonna cut it for him and he certainly isn't going to cut it himself.

He would rather have long unkempt hair than look like an idiot that has a stupid hair cut plus he also likes to running his hands through it.

He's always got bruises, cuts and scars because he's always getting the shit beat outta him and the thing about smiling and laughing why would he smile or laugh if there's nothing to smile or laugh about.

He's never understood why people just laugh and smile at nothing he finds it incredibly stupid.

After the bullying it just went downhill from there all the other kids used to avoid him to an extent but after the incident with his quirk going haywire and Kachan bullying him everyone had just outright avoided him scared they would be next.

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