Misfit Toys

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It's been a month since my dad left for his business trip. Jay and I have just been going to school and living a life going nowhere still. He got a job at a fast food restaurant. He talked to his parents three times. Each time they told him that he had to stay at my house. We didn't have a problem with it but it was odd that his parents seemed to not want him to come back. We talk about Emerald a lot with our friends (we somehow became closer after her death). Except for Dante. He's distanced himself from everyone. He skips school, he started smoking pot, and he only hangs out with us like once a week. As far as I know, he's written sixteen suicide notes but never committed.

Tonight Jay and I were watching the Warped Tour on tv. My Chemical Romance was playing Teenagers. That was mine and Jay's favorite song. We blasted the tv and started dancing. Our hair flipping, we jumped around, sang and laughed. We could only do this around eachother. This was the happiest either of us felt in a while. After the song ended, Jay and I laughed and hugged. We seemed pretty happy all of a sudden.

Jay looked at me and I looked at him. We kissed and sat on the couch as Pierce the Veil came on the tv singing Hold On Till May. We sang along in unison. He had a good voice. Finally we made dinner and sat on the couch and ate. I was pretty tired. "I think in gonna go to bed." I said after I finished eating. "Same." I took our plates and washed them. I gave Jay a kiss on the cheek before walking down the hall to my bedroom. I heard him go downstairs to go to bed. I layed down and pulled the blankets up to my chin. I slowly drifted into sleep.

Jay and I were walking down the street. "I'll race you to the park." He challenged. At that we started running. I jumped onto one of the swings. "Beat ya!" I hollered. I looked back but I couldn't see Jay. "Jay!?" I called. No answer. I felt a firm hand grab the back of my neck. I managed to look back to see who it was. It was the group that jumped Jay and I. But where was Jay? I looked to the other side of the man holding me and answered that question for myself. He was laying on the ground with his hands on his throat. It had been slit. Blood was pouring. The man gripping me put his other hand on my jaw preparing to snap my neck. I slid my head down and bit his hand opening the skin. I tasted the coppery flavor of his blood. I got up and rushed over to Jay. He was gasping;choking and I was crying with my hands over his throat trying to stop the bleeding;failing to stop it. I felt a hand on my chin and a blade slide across my throat. The image slowly blurred and blacked out. I died.

I woke up crying. I was shaking and freaking out. What the fuck just happened?! I kept asking myself. I got out of bed and snuck downstairs in just some shorts and a hoodie. Jay was asleep. I lifted his covers and slid into bed next to him. I layed my head on his chest and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up in his room alone. I got up and went upstairs to find Jay making breakfast. "You can cook?" I asked, surprised. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Andy." I just laughed. When he got done making our breakfast, we sat on the couch and watched some boring morning program because there was nothing else on. We mostly talked about what he was gonna do about his parents.

"Do you think they're trying to get clean yet? It's been a month since you've been away from home.." I trailed. "I really don't know." He replied. "I don't think they'll ever really sober back up. I gonna give them a call." Jay stood up, dialing his father's number into his phone.

I waited a few minutes before standing and taking our plates to the sink. As soon as I sent the plates down, I heard something hit the floor and what sounded like a fist making contact with a wall. I ran down the hall and into the back bedroom where, surely enough, Jay had dropped his phone and punched the wall. He sat on the floor shaking and yelling. I sat next to him and put my arms around his shoulders. He shoved me off and I hit the wall behind me. I didn't care. I just went back over to him. This time he leaned into me and began crying.

I can't say exactly how long I sat there holding him even after he stopped crying. We sat quiet for what seemed like hours. Finally, in a faint shaky voice, Jay spoke up, "My dad died of alcohol poisoning and mom's in the hospital from to much cocaine." I squeezed his shoulders tighter. "They don't think she has a very good chance of making it," he continued. "I'm so sorry, Jay," was all I could manage to choke out. He buried his face in my neck. I put my hand on the back of his head and felt a few tears soak through the collar of my shirt.

Later that night, I called my dad and told him what had happened. He said Jay could live with us until he could find somewhere to go. No matter how long it took. My dad was really easy going. I told Jay what my dad said.


A couple days later, the incident repeated itself. Just no where near as bad. (Jay was close to his parents) His mom fell into a coma. She'd been doing a bit better so they believe that she does have a really good chance of waking up.

Jay and I had returned to the grueling hours of school. We were both doing good with grades. Our little group, however, was never gonna be the same, but we made due, though it was tough.

Something was different about today. More people stared and pointed and laughed. More people whispered. There was something going on. Then I saw what it was;I saw them. The group we got attacked by. They were without their leader and a few people. We'd seen them on the news a few nights after they found Emerald. Those four including their leader had murdered her. The remaining people began going to our school. The word about that night had gotten around since it happened.

The group began walking toward us. We turned around and began walking away when one of them put me in a sort of loose chokehold and wiggled his fist around on my head as if he were an older brother. Elbowed him in the ribs. I turned on my heel to face him. He was a great deal taller than me. "Don't you dare touch me." I scolded. This drew a crowd. I looked around and turned to Jay. He just shrugged so I grabbed his hand, lacing my fingers with his, and walked away. The guy shouted at us as we made it to the door of the hallway, "Can't do anything in front of a crowd can you, faggots?"

I blew. Everything about them already pissed me off and this was just the last straw. I dropped my binder along with my books and Jay's hand. As I speed walked toward him, Jay called my name repeatedly. As soon as I reached him I kneed him in the groin. As he bent over, I kicked his side. He fell over grunting, out of breath. I knew I was gonna face the consequences of the school board, but at that point I couldn't of cared less. Kicking his ass felt good like it was some kind of revenge for when he hurt Jay. It was never gonna be good enough, but now he could suspect what'll come if he fucks with us again.

Jay grabbed my arm, already on the phone with my dad, and led me out of the school. We arrived home after my dad (who had gotten back a few days ago) scolded and congratulated me during the drive. He was proud that I stood up for ourselves, but not proud that I had to do it the way I did.


Weeks after that, the guy and his group left the school. And everything started going back to normal.

Jay got a call from the hospital. His mom had woken up. We sped over there so he could see her. She was supposed I be able to go home within three days. Then Jay would move back in with her and help her get clean. I was happy for him. Everything seemed to be looking up in my opinion. I couldn't have been more wrong about anything...


K|B: hope you're enjoying. I need some ideas for a huge problem that should happen for part three.. Any Ideas? Message me them or pin them to my message board. Thanks!!


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