Chapter 2

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(A/N: Hello, loves! I'm glad you're back! Plz enjoy!)


All of the boys, as well as Taeko, were still at Tae's house, watching a movie. They all let Taeko choose the movie, even though she insisted someone else do it. She ended up finally picking a movie, which was Titanic. She loved that movie so much, it was unbelievable.

"Did we really have to watch this movie, Taeko?" Jimin complained.

Taeko shot him a look ,before speaking. "Yes, we do. It's my favorite."

"But, it's such a sappy love story. I don't like it." Jimin continued to whine.

"I don't care if you like it or not. You all made me choose the movie, so we're gonna watch this." Taeko rolled her eyes, as Jimin groaned and rolled the other way on the couch, so he couldn't see the movie.

"Oh, come on Jimin. It's not that bad." Jin said.

Jimin sighed and turned around, still pouting. "Fine, I'll watch it, but that doesn't mean I'll enjoy it."


The movie had finished and Taeko was the only one still awake, aside from Jimin, who was still pouting on his spot on the couch, only half asleep. She looked at the clocked on her phone. 12:03 am.  Jungkook had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Namjoon in her lap, which meant she couldn't get up off of the couch.

Well, looks like I'll be sleeping at my dad's house tonight. She thought, rolling her eyes.

Then, Jungkook suddenly woke up, lifting his head from her shoulder. "Wait, you guys are all still here?"

"Yeah. I could be asking you the same question." Taeko replied.

"I live here."

Taeko gasped, her eyes widening. "What do you mean? How can you live here?"

"I'm Tae's stepbrother."

Taeko felt like she was going to faint. If Jungkook was Tae's stepbrother, then that means that he was her stepbrother, too. She wondered how he didn't know she was his stepsister. Or maybe he did? She had no clue.

"So, your mom is the lady in those pictures?" Taeko asked, finally speaking.

"Yeah, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone we're stepsiblings." Jungkook winked, before walking out of the room, and into the kitchen, opening the fridge. "Want anything?"

"N-No, t-thanks."

"Your loss."


It was the next morning, so almost everyone had woken up and left. Joon and Taeko were the only two left at Tae's house. Well, now it was known as Taeko and Tae's dad's house, or Jungkook's stepdad's house.

Tae walked into the living room, after taking a shower and getting cleaned up. Taeko pulled him aside, into one of the rooms in the hallway. "I had no idea this was dad's house. I also didn't know that Jungkook was our stepbrother!"

"Well, you didn't really give me any chance to tell you." Tae defended himself.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Taeko rubbed the back of her neck. "Where is dad anyway? Doesn't he actually live here?"

"I told him I might have some friends over this weekend, so he took Rebecka with him, and went to a hotel. They should be back anytime today."

Just then, as Tae said that, someone with a familiar voice walked into the house. "We're home guys!"

Because That's My Sister •{Kim Namjoon}• ✔️Where stories live. Discover now