Locked🔑 #1

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"Please understand! I need this house!" i tried to speak to this Indian woman for almost one hour already and she is still not sliding in my way. She is so hard to please and i am sick of trying to convince her. The house broker cheated on us and i swear i will send him to jail if i meet him again.

"No why should i ? You don't understand me at all right. I am telling you get out because i pay already. This is my house. I come first. It is mine!" the lady begin pushing me away and i sigh it all out. She put her hand on her head. Even i need some pain killers right now. The struggle is killing me.

"Madam and Sir have you made up your mind?" question the house broker's right hand and i just shrug it off and i begin to point my hand at the Indian woman since she don't want to utter any word.

"Oye listen. What should i say? Okay i am giving this house to this handsome white man haan? You no shame? I give one phone call! My uncle from Chandigarh come and kill all of you with his big guns. You making fun, this is funny for you. You see me Indian girl , you think i piece of joke?" the Indian girl starting creating a scene again. I just pull of the broker's right hand arms out of the compound she is yelling.

"Okay when will Mark be back? I need to know. I need this house. Those paparazi are after me for the baby that i don't know where it is from. Please. I am so fucked!" i begged and i know my eyes is swollen by now. I have not sleep for almost two days already due to the paparazi news. It feels like the world is after me because of the fake news. I feel like chocking the woman who exclaim to be pregnant to my kid. I don't even know who she is. She claim to be one of my classmates. Life is so hard and i just got this house last night in hurry and when i reach here a girl is already here.

"Okay Zac i got you man. It's 6 months. I know it is long but our company has serious debt problem so Mark runs away for a while and he'll be back when it all goes down. I am so sorry for you." the guy patt my shoulder and i nod. I call the girl and she walk with me to the guy. She give both of us a stern look. Her eyebrows and forehead frowned and crumped. I just look at the right hand guy to explain it over to her.

"Okay Madam Khooshiiih? I am so sorry if i mention your name wrong. This man right here is Zac Efron. He have so many things going on with him and the guy who cheat on you runs away..." before the guy could finish his sentence this lady brag in.

"What? He run away? Hain?! Then who going to solve all this stupid confusions! By the way it is Khushi you dumbhead!" i almost laugh because she was that cute when she talk with her slang and how she talk really rapidly. I am well amused?

"Okay cool. He will be back. He will comeback and solve this but it will take 6 months since he have to solve something before he comeback. So if you are okay... You can share this place with Zac? He is a cool guy. Nothing bad will happen. Also like a bodyguard to you?" the guy say. He is really good in tolerating human kinds. He should do many social activities. He is going to be really successfull in business or agriculture. What am i even thinking?

"Sharing a home with a guy? That too before getting married? Did your mother teach you how to talk with ladies haan? This how you behave? This is you bloody do for living? Setting up a girl to sleep with a guy? That too virgin girl?" she keeps on talking and talking and we keep on listening and our ears caught up on something.

"You're virgin?" me and the guy say. She nod awkwardly as we giggle it off.
"Unbelievable!" we both say and she widened her eyeballs.

"Why? Not that i am old -fashioned, minded or what. Just i don't find the love one to do it. The right one. I am virgin and i am proud!" she say and we break down laughing our lungs out.

Locked {Zac Efron}Where stories live. Discover now