(Year 3) the triwizard tournament

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Jessica's POV
I was excited to go back to Hogwarts this year! The triwizard tournament was at Hogwarts  and I couldn't wait! "draacoo? I love you" I said in my cutest baby voice "what do you want" he replied "well the triwizard tornement is at hogwarts this year and there is a dance for it, and... well..." I looked at him hoping he knew what I wanted "and you want me to go with you" he said, rising his eyebrow "yeah so will you" I asked sitting on his knee "ok, but first I need permission" permission? Why "from who" I asked dropping the baby voice "who do you think I need permission from" Draco rolled his eyes "don't you dare roll your eyes at me Malfoy! And my stupid over protective brother" well of course it would be my darling (not) brother, I grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him to the huge library, that was in Draco's house, where in knew Blaise would be "Blaise? You know how you love me so very much" I said blinking at him "I do? Since when" he laughed "anyway, since you love me soo much. Can I got to the ball with Draco when the triwizard tournament is here this year" I smile at him and hug him arm "ok first, who said I loved you, and second, yes you can" he shook him head and kissed my head "thank BZ love ya" with that I stood up and walked out to get ready for going back to Hogwarts

Theo's POV
Off to Hogwarts, off to Hogwarts. ever since we got on to the train to Hogwarts I've been annoying everyone "Jessie" she ignored me "Jessica" still ignoring me "Jessica Zabini" still ignoring me "JESSICA BELLA ZABINI" I screamed at her "GO AWAY THEO" she screamed at me "but were going back to Hogwarts" I said then ran away laughing then went to annoy Draco "Draco" I said poking him "Draco" poke "Draco Malfoy" poke "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY" I screamed hitting his shoulder when I still didn't get a reply "your no fun" I mumbled walking off, I can't believe he never responded to me! Even Jessie responded to me

Draco's POV
Jessica walked in to the compartment looking annoyed "what did Theo do" I asked smirking at her "the same thing he's been doing all day 'JESSICA WERE GOING BACK TO HOGWARTS' and it's so ANNOYING" she screamed "oh that. He came in here too and tried to annoy me" that was funny as I just ignored him "urg as much as I love Theo, he really knows how to piss me off" she huffed "and did you lose something" she smirked "no? I don't think so" I looked at her, she had that look in her eye meaning she did something "what did you take" I asked looking at her, then I looked at what she was wearing. my Slytherin top. my eyes widened "that's my top! why'd you steal it" I shouted standing up and pointing at her "is it? I never realised" she smirked again. geez she steals my smirk and now she steals my clothes "what are you gonna steal next" I know she's gonna steal something! Probably my HOUSE "hmm I dunno yet" god and I thought Theo pissed me off

Blaise's POV
And 3, 2, 1 "BLAISE GUESS WHAT" called it
"what Jessie" she rolled her eyes at me! She bloody rolled her eyes at me "I'm going to kill Theodore then Draco is going to kill me" she laughed "ok I understand why your going to Theo and I'm gonna help but why is Draco going to kill you" I sighed she probably stole something "I stole his top and his smirk and next I'm gonna steal his house" she giggled. wait she giggled, she never giggles unless Draco is involved "oh grand" I mumbled then the train stopped "thank god come on Jessica we need to get inside" I grabbed her hand and took her outside "hey buddy I see you found the thief" I don't think Draco is happy with my sister then "I'm not a thief! I just wanted your top" she stated dragging me to the carriage "whatever Jessie" my best friend huffed. she tried to speak to Draco but he ignored her "Draco! babe" Jessica huffed grabbing Draco's arm and putting it around herself "go away" he mumbled "Draco I love you" ahh my sister is so cute "I love YouTube" Draco replied and I had to laugh so but that I just burst out laughing "what's funny Zabini the stupid" Zabini the annoying asked "well Zabini the annoying you two are funny and now I'm gonna slap you" I laughed going to slap my sister "don't touch my girlfriend! She may be annoying and your sister but I love her so don't" aww Draco loves her, I knew that would make him protect her. He had his arms around her shoulders and her head was buried in his chest "I love you" they said at the same time then we got to Hogwarts.

Jessica's POV
Ahh thank you my amazing brother
J: Blaise?
B: yeah sissy?
J: thanks, Draco was pissed with me and now he's not
B: yeah well he's protective and if I hit you, I knew he'd stop me
J: I love you bro
B: I love you too sis
I sat at the Slytherin table and ate not watching the sorting then I want to bed, or more like to Draco's bed "Draco? How much do you love me" I asked "enough to ask if you'll stay in my room tonight" he smiled and looked at Zabini the stupid "absolutely not" stupid mumbled to us "please Blaise" I said giving him puppy dog eyes "urg fine just because I can't resist the eyes" he huffed then laughed as Draco picked me up and took me to the room he shared with Theo, Blaise, Crabb and Golye "goodnight" I said snuggling into his bare chest in his bed "night Jess" he sighed burying his head in my hair. The next day I was woken up at goodness knows what time "Jessie wake up I wanna see the champions getting picked" Draco shook me "what time is it" I mumbled sleepily "well... 4 in the morning? Well 4:30" he's replied earning a slap over the head "ok now I'm getting up but I'm not changing out my pjs" I huffed, we walked down to the hall and saw everyone sitting at tables. I sat down between Draco and my brother "great hair! It really matches you outfit" Zabini the stupid laughed then started rubbing his head as I chucked a biscuit at him, I hit him bang on his forehead "oww. I guess I deserved that" he sighed "the champion for Durmstrang is..... VIKTOR KRUM" the sound of people cheering came from the Slytherin table where the Durmstrang kids sat "the champion for Beauxbatons is..... FLEUR DELACOUR" a load of cheers came from the Ravenclaw table where the kids from Beauxbatons sat "and the Hogwarts champion is..... CEDRIC DIGGORY" the Hufflepuff table cheered as well as me and some Ravenclaws and a couple of Griffindors.  Then another name come out the goblet "Harry potter" Dumbledore said looking around "Harry Potter" he called again, louder "HARRY POTTER" he screamed as Harry stood up and made his way the Dumbledore "what's going on" I asked Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch captain, "Harry's name is in the goblet of fire" he told me "I can see that but why? Harry didn't put it in" I mumbled biting my lip, I looked around and saw everyone whispering and Dumbledore and McGonnagle went to the room with the champions "how do you know that he didn't" Flint questioned me quietly "I've been watching him. Strict orders by Dumbledore" I huffed getting up and grabbed my useless boyfriend and useless brother with me "come on dum dum 1 and dum dum 2" I giggled dragging them with me back to the common room

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