Character Profile: Lilliana Edwards

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Physical Characteristics:

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Physical Characteristics:

Lilliana Rose Edwards
Age: 15 Years Old
Birthday: May 16th (Taurus)
Occupation: High School Student
Height and Weight: 5'4" 115 lbs
Current Residence: Oakview


Lilliana, or just Lily, is a very happy go lucky personality. She loves to be around others and make them smile. Lily is a very caring, supportive, and loving person who just wants the best for everyone. She is also rather compliant, often fulfilling what you ask of her without fail. Lily excels in anything associated with communication, so she's very good at English and learning foreign languages. This also helps her social butterfly life as well. She knows what to say around others to make them feel better naturally. However, even if she is a being of sunshine, rainbows, and puppies, she isn't perfect. Lilliana is a very emotional person naturally making her a ticking time bomb of emotion if you test her. She expresses these emotions without restraint, making her possibly come off as annoying or a crybaby. These facts can be true at times, but it's rather hard to make her truly feel down for more than a day. Lily is also incredibly stubborn and opinionated. She knows what she likes and she can actually throw a tantrum if she doesn't get her way. This often ends in failure though, and she just moves on with it, more often than not pouting. So overall, Lilliana is a person geared towards emotion rather than logic, helping others in any way she can and showing the emotions she has fully, whether they are good or bad. She focuses on how things will affect others before what the best course of action is, the opposite of her brother, Ryan.


Lilliana is very intune with her family and friends understanding everyone and why each person says what they say. She has a special bond with Ryan however. Lily has actually been worried about Ryan's mental health ever since he got the ring. She sees that he actually feels pain when he looks at it, but she doesn't know why. She can read emotional states, not minds. Lily is constantly asking Ryan to get out and be with other people knowing that might help him with whatever he is feeling. Most times Ryan declines without a second thought and rather be alone. Every time however, she tries to phrase it to him that it will be fun. Sometimes, Ryan will actually agree, but he often sits in the corner and does his own thing. Except at the arcade. The arcade is where Ryan is out front and wide open to his true thoughts. Lily knows this and actually planned this with Daniel to help him break out of his reformed shell, a little bit at a time. They never told Ryan this though, letting it stay a secret.

Lilliana also has another close friend in the form of a girl known as Emma. Emma has been a childhood friend of Lilliana for a long time, she is actually their neighbor, so they were bound to know each other eventually. Lilliana and Emma met in first grade, and they hit it off immediately. They had the same happy go lucky childhood innocence, and they went on little adventures together through the playground during recess. They had many of the same interests, such as painting, drawing, and later music. Even though they were so similar, there was one keen difference between them. Lilliana was much more book smart than Emma, but Emma was physically stronger than Lilliana. Emma eventually joined the school's girl volleyball team, and she was a skilled player. Not the best, but quite skilled.

There are also the others... the boys. When a boy comes to try and "seduce" her, all she does is laugh. Lily views romance as something that should be treasured, not something that can just start all willy-nilly. A person who wants to date Lilliana has to pass a certain amount of requirements, that only she herself knows. Do I know him well? Does he not see me for my body? Is his personality a good match for me? Have I known him for more than a whole school year? If the answer is yes to all of those questions, she will actually think about it. If a single one is no, then she will immediately reject them, and most of the time, the fourth one is the one that goes into effect the most. As for the girls, with her sweet and kind personality, Lily has grown quite popular. However, some girls do not realize that it is her own being that is popular, not her body.

Likes and Dislikes:

Lilliana, like I said, is a very opinionated person. She knows what her preferences are and sticks to them. So, here they are. Lily really likes anything chocolate related. She especially likes M&Ms, often eating full bags of them without anyone else's help. She absolutely loves pasta too, she actually has the full capability of eating a whole reasonably sized pot of pasta with nobody else's help. She just likes food. Lilliana is also rather fond of vegetables as a whole, a trait that many people she knows do not possess. She also enjoys to drink tea when she is thirsty. This actually came up rather recently as well, as Ryan constantly complains about how they don't have any more mugs. Lily is a really great artist as well and likes to draw a lot, she has sketchbooks filled with pictures she drew over the years. She also likes to play video games with Ryan, although she isn't as good at them as he is. Lilliana enjoys dancing as well, she often listens to music like pop and rock.

Now, for her dislikes. These might be nitpicks to most, but Lilliana is hunkered down on them. Lilliana will not eat brussel sprouts unless cooked for a set period of time and salted. She dislikes when she when she is losing horribly in a game, or she isn't having fun. She says things like "This is dumb." or "Stop hurting me!" She often storms off in a huff saying she doesn't want to play the game anymore possibly on the verge of tears, despite that she still goes back to play with Ryan after a bit. Lily also dislikes anything like where she feels like that, especially in public, mainly mini golf and laser tag. Lily actually worries that she is letting her team down in laser tag. There was one time where she had to tie her shoe, but kept getting shot. This led to quite a bit of whining. As for mini golf, she actually gets anxiety from the people behind her, despite the fact they are friendly people. She worries that she's going to slow and starts to pout like that too. Lily just pouts a lot. She is a child at heart, which shows.

Combat Capabilities:

Lilliana is a incredibly powerful girl. Like incredibly powerful. Having a massive amount of ether stored in her body, she can blast very powerful magic attacks at her enemies. The amount of damage she deals covers a wide variety of weaknesses through many types of magic, and often is focused on a group of enemies in the higher levels. She also has pretty good luck which increases her chance of critical attacks. However, she has two major flaws. Her strength and defense. Lily is a glass cannon, she deals absolutely absurd damage magically, but physically, she's almost helpless. Having no form of physical attack, she is not suited for the front lines. This also applies to her relatively low defenses. Having little defense and mediocre resistance, she is not going to be taking a lot of hits anytime soon. Overall, she is absurdly strong and quite powerful, but only if given the proper circumstances.

Special Skills:

Lilliana is an incredible artist, being able to spot the slightest differences in color. Being rather adept with it, she can accurately recreate something found in the world into a picture of you give her enough time. She is also very in tune to people's emotions, spotting slight discrepancies in their behavior almost instantly.

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