The World Will...

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I have nothing to say to you,you may be under the impression of what's my story but, do you truly care enough to know about. Are you still reading? Sigh...Very Well then. Though, I will not give you a time period or place. The world has seemed to lost it's most important resource the "future",everyone has chosen to be belligerent and reside in the past. What's even worse is their heads have taken the form of Clocks...Clocks CLOCKS! TIK TOK! TIK TOK! the rumage of gears in those awful machine puts pain in my ears they are no good for humans,humans keeping track of every trace of their life through these devil stones called "Clocks" the world is full of gearheads, and I myself will never become a gearhead. It was morning and I aggressively started to kick my sheets off of my body it smothered me like winter yet, warmed me like the summer. I can't choose which I preferred but maybe preference wasn't mine to choose, so I covered only half of my body in blanket as my drugged out eyes stare at the white walls, out of every color they paint my room white, as if to barricade me but they didn't break me. But I'd be mad if I didn't say these white walls made my skin itch and course through my blood like a volcano about to erupt. He's not mad. I was calm. I was about to kiss the trance of dreams again as it took me into my deepest realities and away from the gearheads, my head will never be a clock. So suddenly as if a tsunami was heading my way my bedroom door flung open and my blissful trance was broken. 

"Oh Arden! Arden! It's awful! Peyton and Leida were murdered! Oh my children my children" 

My mother leaped her entire body onto my bed and cried in the safe haven of my chest, I cringe as the gear of clocks rummaged, yes my mother too a gearhead. With the fact she was a gearhead I couldn't love her like I used to but nonetheless I had love for her. 

"U-unbelievable,H-how were they murdered mother?" I stumble my words to give her a sense of grief in my mood. She holds me tighter and her nails carve into my back like a sabertooth tiger. 

"T-the p-police said someone had struck them 79 times each! Their face, their faces! I couldn't even recognize my own children!" At this point, my mind was already thinking of other things, I'm not heartless I loved my younger siblings, but now they are dead they don't have to be under the wrath of gearheads. Her nails dug deeper into my back like I was being stabbed .

"Why couldn't it be you!" She yelled so loud a birds nest from outside the west window fell "That's 3 dead babies" I whispered to myself. My mother covered her face in shame for saying that. Her words did not actually hurt me, I'd honestly would rather die than be offended by a gearhead. I started to cry and tears fell like strands of yarn till they hit the bed. 

"Mother didn't mean it Arden! I love you my baby boy! You are my 1st born!" She hugged me like she always does, but I was cold. It felt like I heard this all before and I couldn't stand it. The closer she tucked me in the louder the gears became. She stopped hugging me and put cash in my hands.

 "Would you also be a dear and pick up the daily groceries!" She smiled brightly at me. She switched personalities so fast it was as if she had gotten pregnant again. "Leave before 3:00 okay honey?"

 "What's that?" I replied to her 

"3:00! Come on you know your time words!" 

"I don't know what that is." She's known for years I will never say any time word yet she still pushes me to do so. Those words became a cult itself almost and you cannot force a cult upon me. She left my room without saying a word, obviously disappointed. I started to get dressed, It was a long ambience without my younger siblings around anymore and made the white walls all more invigorating I could feel sweat dripping down my head, it burned, I started to hurry dressing up, grabbed the money and dashed through the front door stepping on pieces of broken clocks on the way out. I took gulps of air when I reached the outside. 

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