20 Bad Boy Kisses

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14 pages on word, this better be long for you all! I don't know how you all are going to react with this chapter but I hope its good! I was going for more realistic because let's all be serious... fairy tales aren't real... sadly haha



Chapter 20: 20 Bad Boy Kisses

“How do I answer him or I do I just not answer him at all?” I asked Hailey looking up from my phone with confusion.

She popped the spoon out of her mouth that was covered with ice-cream only seconds ago. She was back to eating the ice-cream, stating that even though it was shit, she was still on her period and was craving it. “Obviously you are going to answer him!”

I leaned my elbows on the counter and placed my head in my hands. I was such a fuck up with guys. I don’t even know why I try anymore. I confuse them, myself; hell I even confuse people who aren’t even involved in this shit!

I pushed Jared away, blaming everything on him for no reason. Everything that happened to me was because of me. Not because of Jared or Conner or Anna. It was destined for all this shit to happen, it was life. Blaming Jared was a way for me to think I could control it but really all I did was look like a stupid bitch.

“Ask him to meet up to talk and apologize.” Hailey commented sticking the spoon in the ice-cream and hoping off the counter.

“I don’t think he wants to listen to me.” I admitted looking up from the counter pushing my hair back from my eyes. “Honestly I don’t blame him though; I wouldn’t want to talk to myself either.”

Hailey stared at me with look that said are-you-stupid. She cleared her throat and started tapping her lip with her finger, assessing me over. “Mrs. Grey, where were you ten minutes ago when Emilie had said to Hailey that if you love someone, you will do anything for them?”

My mouth fell open.

“What… Hailey what are you trying to say?” I felt my heart pounding against my chest. She couldn’t be thinking that…

“You love him.”

I stared at her for a good minute before exploding into laughter. I clutched my stomach as I fell to my knees in front of her. She had to be kidding me. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. Hailey had her arms crossed over her chest and was glaring at me. I sobered up for a good second before falling onto my back again in laughter.

Me loving Jared? That had to be the best thing I heard ever! I have only known this kid for like what? Two weeks and a couple of days? There was no way I could love him. I didn’t even know what love was, example was my last relationship with Conner.

“You are so dumb Emilie!” Hailey cried slamming her hands down on the counter. “How can you not see how he feels about you and vice versa?”

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