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its now been about 2 months since me and my mom moved down here and im actually loving it. me and Tay have grew closer then ever, same with Melly and Zion. its nice having people who genuinely care about you, and support you. tay just has a really bad attitude problem, but thats really it, other then that shits good in this hood

right now we were on the way to his house, im meeting his mom for the first time so i can invite her to my moms wedding in a few months. im nervours as hell. "taytay"

"hm?" he responded, i just stared at him for a minute before i spoke "you know you're my bestie forever right? and i love you a lot" i said, he chuckled "i love you too Nicky, where this coming from?" he asked glancing at me and back at the road a few time

"i don't know" i mumbled "i was just thinking about how good you are to me.. i honestly didnt think we would get this close. i didnt think we were gonna be friends at all" i exclaimed "you know how we rocking ma baby, i really do love you Nick. forreal, believe me when i say that shit" he says looking me dead in the eye

im not even gonna lie, i did catch feelings for him and the feelings definitely mutual. but its really nothing major.. on my end of course. 

but honestly how could you not catch feelings?  hes literally everything you'd want in a guy

after a while we pulled into his driveway, nervousness already taking over my body as my mind began eating itself up. what if she doesn't like me, or she thinks im ugly or something 

Tay got out the car going to unlock his front door not even noticing i hadn't moved one inch. he looked back and smiled "Nick lets go" he said. i huffed and unbuckled my seat belt getting out, i honestly dont see how hes so excited right now

i walked up the sidewalk and on the porch standing next to Tay, running my hands down my face he looked up at me "whatchu scared for ?" he asked "what if she doesn't like me Tay?"

he chuckled and and through his arm around my shoulder "she will lil baby, just relax. dont stress it" he said opening the door with his free hand. we stepped inside and the smell of wedd instantly hit my face 

"geez" i scrunched my face up at the strong skunk like smell "Taymor is that you?" i heard a feminine voice call out somewhere in the house "yeah ma, i brought Nick" he said walking into the kitchen with my right by his side. she looked up at me smiling clearly high. now i see why he smokes so much, his mom condones it. my momma would beat my ass if i even thought about it around her

"awww hes adorable" she said sticking her hand out "im Onika, nice to meet you"(yes nicki minaj, i couldnt think about who else i could've put) i took it and shook it "Nick" i mumbled "nice to meet you too" i said as we pulled away

damn that was easier then expected. 

"dinner will be ready soon Tay" she said stirring whatever she had in the pot "aight" he said leading me up to his room. as soon as i walked in i threw my jacket across the room and kicked my shoes off and flopping down on his bed, getting a whiff of weed and the cologne he always wears

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