Untitled Part 1

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I took another swig of my second beer. I was at a new years eve party. It was 11:50. I was ready for this year to be over. I'm at my rich friends party. She rented out a bar. She's a great person and I love her to death, but damn. This bitch has got too much money. I mean I'm a youtuber with a couple million subscribers so I know the rush of getting real money for the first time, but she's got to be careful because she doesn't know if something could happen.

I can hear the muffled laughter from my friends who are in the other room. I finish my beer and check my phone 11:53. Time really does move slow nowadays. Maybe some alcohol can help.

"I'll take another one"

"Make that two. On me." That voice made my heart sink. He is the reason I'm drinking to forget the rest of this horrible year. I hear him take a seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see him reest with elbows of the table, two seats down. The bartender must've ran out of beer or something because he went in the back to get what I assume is another case.

"I didn't know this bar served 18 year olds" I didn't dare look at him even though it was obvious he looking at me.

"Well I look a lot older than I used to. It's easy to fake it"

The bartender came back and gave us our drinks.

"You look really pretty tonight"

"You don't believe that. You're just saying that to screw with me"

"There's the old Nai" He retorts before taking a swig

"No one calls me that."

"Yeah I remember. I was the only that called you that. It's a shame. Nai is a good nickname"

"Yeah it was" I looked down at my phone. 11:56.

"Why'd you come here tonight?"

"I don't know"

"I think I do"

"By all means tell me" I respond with clear sarcasm.

"You came hoping to see me"

"Yeah I don't know why I came here, but that ain't it"

"Admit it. You miss me"

"I do," I admit "But it's over now. I screwed up. You're over me." I responded robotically. I took another sip.

"Oh I wish"

With that I stopped drinking.

"We both know you're lying"

"I don't believe that"

I looked at my phone. 11:59. I can hear distant voices count down.

"Why are you talking to me" I finally look back at him.

"I just need to know if you're okay" I look away.

"I haven't okay for a month and seven days" The chants are getting louder. There's 30 seconds left of this God awful year.

"Well at least I know," he says taking another sip.

"Do you regret it?

"Regret what?"

"Do you regret us?"

Nothing but silence from his end.
"Well I don't. Even though you caused me more pain that anyone else before. But somehow," i took a long breath and then finally said, "You made me happier than anyone else before and I just need to know if you regret it because if you do it'll be lot easier to hate you." The screaming from the other room indicated that there's 10 seconds left.

He stands up, leaves 20 bucks on the table. He always tipped the waiter. I refuse to look at him, as I know I won't be able to handle seeing him walking away from me.


With two seconds left of the year, I look forward and hear someone whisper in my ear.

"Not a damn second my love"

I feel a kiss on my cheek. I don't move a muscle.

God dammit does he make it difficult to hate him.

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