Male Roles

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Daryl Micheal Barnet
(Fc: Cole Sprouse)

The silent interested boy who just sits in the back lonely he is the one left out but he found his best friend dead and now he's traumatized (Taken by InterestedLoser )———-Connor Green Washington (Fc: Froy gutierrez)

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The silent interested boy who just sits in the back lonely he is the one left out but he found his best friend dead and now he's traumatized
(Taken by InterestedLoser )
Connor Green Washington
(Fc: Froy gutierrez)

The popular one of the group of friends , he has a girlfriend named Lynn Gonzalez , He is Daryl's second best friend , hes the strongest out of the all and respectful one(Taken By Me)—-Griff Edward Philips (Fc: Dylan O'Brien)

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The popular one of the group of friends , he has a girlfriend named Lynn Gonzalez , He is Daryl's second best friend , hes the strongest out of the all and respectful one
(Taken By Me)
Griff Edward Philips
(Fc: Dylan O'Brien)

The popular one of the group of friends , he has a girlfriend named Lynn Gonzalez , He is Daryl's second best friend , hes the strongest out of the all and respectful one(Taken By Me)—-Griff Edward Philips (Fc: Dylan O'Brien)

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The smart one in the group , he is still a virgin plus he's not straight at all , he dislikes His Brother Lucas Philips

Zachary Micheals-Gonzalez

The Over Protective Step Brother Of Lynn Gonzalez Would Do Anything For His Step Sister Even If It Involves Murder - He's the douche bag of course

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The Over Protective Step Brother Of Lynn Gonzalez Would Do Anything For His Step Sister Even If It Involves Murder - He's the douche bag of course

Alexander " Alex " Foster

( Fc: Charles Melton )

The cousin of Daryl Barnet the first one to die , he is now a ghost that helps Daryl until the end

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The cousin of Daryl Barnet the first one to die , he is now a ghost that helps Daryl until the end

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