Chapter 2

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Your POV

It was currently the day after Loki arrived. After he did, he just stayed in his room to whole day. But you planned to get him out of his 'cave'.

Your alarm clock rang and you clicked it. It was 4:30. You got up and got dressed into yoga clothes. You grabbed your 2 mats and walked to Loki's room. You knock on the door before opening it. "Wakey wakey!" You call to him. He sleepily looks up at you. "What do you want?" He asks, trying his best to sound angry. You chuckle. "We are going to do some meditation! This is what I do every morning! So get you ass up because we start at 4:45!" You call to him. He groans. He gets up, being too tired to disagree. You close the door and walk to the elevator.

After a bit, Loki comes walking down. He worn black sweatpants and a long sleeve green shirt. He seemed a bit more awake. You chuckled again as you 2 enter the elevator. "So what are we-" he cuts off as he yawns. "Doing after this then?" You smile. "Well, we will meditate till 5:45, then we go to the library for a couple hours, then have breakfast before we do training when everyone else is ready!" You reply to him. Before he could respond, the elevator door opens and you walk out to the top of the Avengers tower. You lay out the 2 mates and move him to the the green one. You then sit down nicely on your (F/C) one as he does to.

"Now what?" He asked, annoyed. "We relax and let our minds clear... and let your body release all unwanted energy..." You say to him, starting to relax. You pull out some random things from your pocket. A paperclip, a marble, a pot shard, and a hair tie. You place them on the ground in front of you. "You mortals are strange..." he mumbles, crossing his arms. "What even is the point of this?" You roll your eyes. "Just relax." You say simply. "And don't open your eyes or move..." You sit on your knees and put your hands in your lap and close your eyes. Loki reluctantly copies. When you closed your eyes, you could feel Loki next to you. You could almost see him there. Loki then starts shift around. You got annoyed and ficked him in the forehead. "OW! HOW DARE YO-" he yells before you cut him off. "No moving!" You counter.

After a few minutes, Loki finally stopped and meditated with you. You finally got deep into the meditation and the objects in front of you began to float. All your unwanted energy was pushed out and use to move the items and float them around you. Loki opened his eyes and watched the items fly around you. You ignored it, wanting to relax more and let all of your energy out.

Your energy eventually ran out and the items were set down in the ground where they were. But when you opened your eyes, you didn't see the hair tie. "Ahem..." interrupts Loki. You look over at the god and almost started laughing. The hair tie somehow flew over to the god and somehow put his raven hair into a pony. "OM-!!!! Omg! I'm so sorry!!!" You say, resisting the urge to laugh. "Let me get that out!" You say, reaching over to pull the hair tie out. He shifts away from your hand. "Don't touch me, mortal!" He harshly says and you retract your hand. "Wait..." you mumble. "Do you actually want to keep your hair up?" You ask him. Loki's cheeks were dusted red. "N-no! Of course not! I just don't want any mortal to touch me!" You counters. You chuckle as you gather your stuff and put them back into your pocket.

"Come on then!" You say to the god as you stand. "It's time to go to the library!" You smile. Loki's cheeks seem to grow more red but you decided to ignore it as you walk to the elevator.

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